Friday, December 26, 2008

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Logic and ontology

"What then, that an orderly means for logic, it is considered without regard to a metaphysical meaning. This science, in that state still is, has not any kind of content that is usual in the consciousness as a reality and as a real thing. But not for this reason it is a formal science, devoid of an essential truth. Not to mention that the field of truth is not to look into that matter in science Cotesta missing (no you wont im ¬ putare the fact that it does not meet science). The emptiness of logical forms is indeed the only way to consider them and treat them. As such determinations still, a fall out of Annex I ¬ between, and are not held together in an organic unity, coceste are dead forms, or resides in them the spirit, which is their actual living units. So lack of real content, - a matter which is in itself a substance and value. The content, which one finds the missing logical forms, is not that ¬ between a firm base and concretion of these abstract determinations, and such a substantial essence is usually to go and seek out those forms. But the substantive or real, that brings together, in itself, all the abstract determinations, and it is their sincere and absolutely concrete drives, ¬ to an appointment with the logical reason. There is therefore need to go far to look for what is usually on call. Do not fault the logic of the object, whether it is considered empty, but the only way that object is understood as "Science of Logic, Introduction

As can be seen from the above passage, Hegel insists in differentiating its logic from the logic formalism (also called "general logic"). The latter conceived forms of pure thought as conceptual entities that have an epistemological function only and that only exist in the mind of the thinking subject. For Hegel logical categories - ol ¬ trecho determinations of pure thought - are also elements of the essence of reality ¬. In other words, they have value besides ontological sense. Therefore, the logic coincides with metaphysics: the pure thought is reality and reality is the pure thought. If, therefore, logic studies the thought in its purity-the thought is expressed in the same reality as immanent reason.
The 'science of reason, "or" concept "or" pure idea, "as from time to time Hegel defines the logic, is thinking of carrying out the exposure, but this rule is both essential and immanent development of reality, which is therefore also - as thought - conceived in terms not static but dynamic. Thus understood the concept of the Hegelian logic was created from the original meaning of the greek logos, which is both a "thought" or knowledge "and as" idea "in the sense of rational core of reality. The Hegelian logic is also an ontology.
Later (see above) - in the Preface to the Philosophy of Law - Hegel will continue this theme, claiming the identity of rational and real ("All that is rational is real, everything is real and rational). By this he means that Hegel the rational structure of the world but there is one with the essence of reality.
The Science of Logic classes are called abstract because it does not - as in traditional logic - are free of material content, but because they are considered in itself, or as expressions of pure thought separated from their real content. Quest 'operation of abstraction (which for Hegel always mean separation) is not entirely one-sided and does not give us the real science of reality. This there will be only in the philosophy of mind, when pure thought and objective reality will once again be considered in their intrinsic unity.
The faculty of conceiving the unity of logic and metaphysics - that is rational and real, of subject and object - lies for Hegel the speculative reason (which corresponds to what in phenomenology is the absolute knowledge. Conversely, any philosophy that does not come to this unit - separating the different aspects and flat in absolute opposition - remains at the level of intellect. (see above)


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