Friday, December 26, 2008

Calculator For A Master Lock

The dialectic and contradiction

The Science of Logic, Hegel again reiterate the importance of negation given (finite) presented in Phenomenology: the determinate negation plays a key role in the dialectic, and effectiveness that is part of the dialectical movement is crucial and allows it to proceed: The dialectic is not, as tradition, part logic, but it costs ¬ rather the soul and constitutes the beginning, the speculation.

What, so the concept goes forward that is not, just now mentioned. which in itself; Cotesta is the real dialectic. The dialectic, which was treated as a separate part of the logic and that, for the purpose intended and to the point & view was, it can be said, entirely disregarded, thereby acquires a very different dignity [...]. In this dialectic, as you take here, and hence that ¬ in understanding the opposite in its unity, that is positive in the negative, the sys ¬ speculative.
The central thesis of the Hegelian logic was the affirmation of the need and the objectivity of contradiction, a necessity that Kant had seen. according to Hegel, with the doctrine of the antinomies mo ¬ strand in which the contradictions of human reason inevitably falls when it claims to know the ideas that go beyond the phenomena: God, soul, mon ¬ do. The antinomies then express the Kantian idea of \u200b\u200bthe limits of reason, and pro ¬ precisely in what the error is Kantian. The contradiction

is more important than the mere identity of things to ¬ that it is the principle of the dialectic as a movement. The traditional logic can not think of the contradiction, and considers a defect in the region ra ¬ subjective, an anomaly, a mistake, rather than the structure of the pen ¬ serum, and then the real. It should now say, 'All things are contradictory in themselves, and this pro ¬ priamente in the sense that this sentence expresses the contrary, in comparison to the three ¬, the truth and the essence of things [... ]. But it is one of the old prejudices ¬ core logic and the ordinary representation, that the contradiction is not a determination as essential and immanent as the identity. Instead, when you were talking about an order of precedence and dovesser be varied as the two separate determinations, one should take the contradiction co ¬ me the deepest and most essential. Because in front of them the identity is not that simple determination of the immediate, to be dead, and the contradiction ¬ but it is the root of all movement and vitality, something moves, and has an instinct to ¬ activity, only as it has in itself a contradiction. From The science of logic. The contradiction is routinely removed in the first place, from things, and from what is true in general, it is stated that there is nothing contradictory. Es ¬ SA is then indeed rejected the subjective reflection, which alone would place in his report and compare. But it really was not even in this re ¬ decline, because the adversarial process, it is said, can neither represent nor think. The contradiction is true in general, and in fact, in both reflection and thinking, as an accidental, almost an anomaly and a transient paroxysm morbid.


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