Friday, December 26, 2008

Bulma Dragon Ball Doujinshi

unhappy consciousness Self-consciousness between stoicism, skepticism,

The achievement of the independence of the ego against of things, which is the result of the dialectic between servant and master, is manifested in the philosophical stoicism, or in a type of worldview that celebrates self-sufficiency and freedom of the test with ¬ in the fronts of his surroundings. But in stoicism, self-consciousness, which claims to be released from the constraints of reality larsi ¬ (passions, affections, wealth, etc..), Considering to be free "on the throne or in chains' interchangeably, it reaches only an abstract freedom than inte ¬, since those who remain and external reality is not denied.
Who wants to put in brackets that is completely outside world from which he feels independent co stoi ¬ (And that leaves the other hand there) is skepticism, which is a type of worldview suspending the agreement on everything that is commonly considered as true and real (as a result, skepticism is in itself, that is so aware, this stoicism that is in itself, that is so unaware, just like stoicism is for himself what the easement is in itself). Precisely because of its exaggerated negative attitude to external reality, that is, towards something else, the skepticism comes down to a problematic relationship with the world, a radical split of self, including a permanent and unchanging aspect - the continuing consciousness - and one aspect of bewilderment and confusion, the consciousness of skepticism is reflected in what appears to dance and who also considers illusory.
Hegel argues that the skeptic

utter absolute dissipated, but the proffer is, [... the utter nullity of seeing, hearing, etc. The ¬. And it is she who sees, hears, etc.., Uttering void of ethical essences, and makes the power of his acting. His work and his words contradict each other forever.

In other words, Hegel does not use that, against the skepticism, the traditional argument: the argument that the skeptic is autocontraddice because on the one hand says that everything is futile and non-real, while the other wants to say something real and true. Paradox even more serious if you think that consciousness is talking about the skeptic is a single consciousness, which can not help but come into conflict with each other consciousnesses:

In fact, his chat is a fight stubborn child, In one of them says when the other says B, B to say when the other says A, and so each, it being in contradiction with itself, you pay the satisfaction of being at odds with others.


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