Sunday, October 17, 2010

Wedding Seating Chart Prices

love a thousand times - The mother

My name is Karen. I have forty-four, sat in front of Ellen. Ellen is fourteen years old, has a very beautiful face, eyes and hair teal blacks as pitch, long and straight that surround it like a painting. E 'sitting at the edge of the chair as if he was there temporarily and would run away, I'm sure. He wears a sweater on a great little body, perhaps as small a size thirty-six. Two legs trembling can be glimpsed from the stretch pants. Sarah brought it to me there, his mother, who lived thirty evil. Sometimes it seems sisters, Ellen with her look shifty like that of an old woman who wants to protect you from many things to love that life has given. Ellen who is grinning a bit 'off-putting on her face, that cheeky grin of one who no longer believe in fairy tales for a while and asks you not to make fun of. Sarah with her youthful face and exuberant personality who has the feeling of having lost something of his childhood, because of quell'esserino that grew in my belly at only sixteen.

- Hello Ellen. How are you?
- Why do not you come down to it?
- What would be then?
- Why do I want to eat, right? 'S why my mother took me to you ... right?
- Yes .. I think it is useless to lie to you ...
- What a fool! That woman is infinitely stupid!
- It 's your mother, Ellen. It 's normal to be worried about you ...
- Sure ... takes care of me now ...
- And when he had to worry about?
- When I was little and she was not there ... was always absent ... I spent my time with my grandparents ... I was always with them. She was thinking of having fun, hanging out with friends ... was never with me ...
- And now?
- Now I do not want more ...
- E 'why do not you eat?
- No.
- So why?
- I do not want to grow ...
- Do not want to grow? Ellen, this seems to me you can not choose ... is inevitable ...
- If you do not eat do not grow.
- No, it's different ... if you do not eat you die ... sooner or later ...
- Maybe ...
- And why do not you grow? At your age is normal to be scared. What scares you?
- I have to give up my games.
- Your Games? But no one asks you to leave them ...
- Yes, but then I do not play anymore. My dolls ...
- Do not play anymore?
- Not much, really ...
- Well it is just a change of interest. When you were two Lego, maybe ... Then came the dolls, now maybe something else ...
- Yes, but not the big play ...
- Well .. perhaps it is true .. at least most ...
- All those who know do not play no more and laugh more. I want to continue playing ..
- E then why? It is not the only reason ...
- I do not know ... here, if it grows then think anyone help me more ... leave me alone to decide, I suggest, I do not drive ...
- Examples?
- last year. I had to choose which school I attend this year.
- But it is normal that it's your choice ... it is your life, why another should choose for yourself?
- But nobody helped me, nor recommended ...
- Did you feel lonely?
- Yes .. when I was young were the others to decide for me ... I decided to go to school, what I wear, gifts that make and receive ... I grandparents helped me in everything ...
- and I think that will not help you more?
- If you grow them die. And 'natural ... If I grow up sooner or later they let me and then I have not any more.
- Like anyone? And your mother?
- Let it loose. She lives in her world. I do not exist for her.
- I do not think. Brought you here, I think.
- Yes, because my grandmother implored him ...
- Ah ... Listen to Sarah ... have you talked to your mother?
- Do not have time for me.
- Are you sure? You asked him?
- No, but I know ... is useless ...
- Do you want to talk about it here before me?
- no need ...
- Try ... we call it?
- If you want ...
- Do not bother you?
- A little '...
- Well?
- Yes, come on, so you see I'm right.

I got up and called Sarah. He entered fearful, as if it were an examination of those in which teachers can be very lenient or very strict, but you do not know, because you have not attended lessons and then you do not know what to expect. And the teacher was Ellen.

- Sarah began cautiously - Ellen told me that he does not eat because she thinks it can not grow ... Ellen true? - I looked at her with downcast eyes and nod went because he did not feel embarrassed. Sarah looked at me scared ... - Here, he is afraid of losing their games, losing your advice, you lose ... Why not eat ... would like to stop time ...
- You're saying a bunch of crap, you know? - Ellen blurted out looking with two glowing eyes and a look of defiance that until then there had been - You know Mom, are you, why do not you want to grow? Have you always known you always read me in the eye and that is why yesterday you begged his grandmother to accompany us here, rather than you take me alone ... you know it?
- Ellen, calm down - intervened, but silenced me immediately
- Shut up! I do not want more fiction in my life, Mom. I was a burden to you ...
- Ellen - Sarah tried to stop it - please do not be silly ...
- So tell me ... when I said my first word when I walked for the first time eh? Who was holding my hand? Who was there to support me as I walked? Who has heard the first oral lesson? Who led me to dance? You, you always had something to do with your friends, with your men, always something else. I was a burden. I am a burden to your life
- Do not say that ... Ellen!
- Mother I do not want to grow simply because I'm afraid of becoming like you. This is the only reason.

He put a coat and left the room. His grandmother hugged her and took her away.
Sarah stopped to write out a check that politely refused. I left my business card where I wrote "Come back, I'll help you, but I saw him coming out and takes him away and scattered the pieces in the waiting room. He closed the door and turned for a moment to look at me Only then I realized she was crying.

I never saw her again. I learned only after much time had gone away and since then Ellen, the little darling Ellie, she found serenity.


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