Sunday, October 31, 2010

Spring Break Wild Parties

Halloween - Writer and the witch

My name is David and I'ma writer. I belong to the category of newcomers and have assets of the publication of a book, exploded last summer in bookstores throughout Italy. I am writing my second book, a thriller, completely different in kind than the first, which is a historical novel about the First World War.

collaborate to a blog of writers, "Ink and Ink," which has some success with the public on the web and occasionally participated in the "Author of Games" organized by the Web Master, who leaves us with a theme on which to write, so then publish all together the various stories and delight to read the differences. It 's a challenging game. There are a couple of "feathers" spectacular on that blog and I like to measure myself with them, which really are not newcomers. I always suspected that behind the Web Master there is a publisher that wants to select new talents and exploits the potential of some writers to stimulate competition. I never wanted to investigate: even if I found out what's behind it, I do not enjoy more or less.

I do not write for work, but I write as a hobby. In fact I am a physician, surgeon, to be exact. I like to relax and fly with the wings up, almost as a retaliation to my job that I am forced instead to have daily contact with the carnal world.
I write every night, except when on duty. I do not belong to the category of writers waiting for the inspiration to write. I think if a writer is inside, just put it quiet for five minutes and start writing and the rest comes by itself. The inspiration only serves to reinforce certain steps to take to the pen a few topics rather than others, to collect the material to transform everyday life in the pages that are written, but is not essential. Who loves to write, can write even a simple apple resting on a rough wooden table and make sense to the reader an intense fragrance, sweet taste, grainy texture and bright color.

I want to tell you that I just read what happened to me on October 31 this year, on Halloween night. I'm still trying to figure out if it was dream or reality, because the images of that night are still alive in my eyes. Yet nothing of what I'm about to tell may seem real to a rational person and myself back to the place where I tell you what took place, I found nothing but loneliness and abandonment.
That Sunday it was raining and cold. During medical visits I happened to take the disappointment in the faces of some children, who had prepared them for a long night out hunting for "trick or treat" and would have remained barricaded in the house because their mothers have made them difficult to get out in that storm, which marked the beginning of autumn. Those more fortunate might have snatched a "yes" to a tour of the building, up and down the stairs, but better than nothing! I myself had bought some candy to avoid being unprepared and not have to be a joke.

I was holed up at home around seven in the evening, after returning from a particularly stressful shift, and as always happens in these cases, I had dinner, I dozed a couple of hours, I had a shower and I sat the desk at about eleven o'clock, to go forward with my book. I was in chapter eighteen, almost half of my story. Before I decided to start fumarmi a cigarette and I was really disappointed to remember that I smoked the last of the pack just when I was released from the hospital. For the rush to find shelter in the car, I forgot to buy my cue. So I resigned myself to the idea of \u200b\u200bleaving the rain that continued incessant slipped my raincoat, umbrella and took the car keys and left.

left the car at the church parking lot, going from the only tobacco shop that had a cooler outside for cigarettes. Picked a handful of pennies from the tray of the car, just those needed to pay me a package and walked toward the store. I took the cigarette and turned to go back to the car, turning while walking just one. As the fire burned the tobacco my mind was alarmed, sensing something unusual around and it was only when I raised my eyes greedily inhaling the smoke, I realized that something was really strange: there was still kneeling on the ground a woman dressed as a witch. I could have sworn that the first five minutes and there was no one else was plausible given the time. He was there with a pointy black hat and a black cloak, too, stuck to his knees tinkering with a grate on the asphalt.

- Need ... need help ma'am? - I said shyly - it did not seem to have seen her when I spent five minutes ago ... I apologize ... maybe I was lost in thought ..

The woman turned and I was enchanted. It was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, with long hair that looked like silk and blacks by edging the hat rolled down the face and then down over her breasts. His mouth had the purple color of a rose and her skin looked like it was so silky smooth and shiny.

- Thanks! Oh it's terrible ... I got stuck in the heel of the boots this grating and at midnight I must go home!

was only when he looked up and answer well for the street light was reflected on her that I saw that her eyes were purple, but in the context of his clothing and Halloween being What did not seem so strange.

- Let 's see what can be done ... tried to remove the boot? Maybe we can better slide off ...
- Eh .. is not easy! The zipper got stuck ...
- All Together ... always when you're in a hurry ...
- Already ... note here that I look I try to get the zipper ... here ... so ... bravo! We did it!
- Well, only half! Now we have to angle out from the boot grateful ...
- Do you mind if I ask a favor?
- Please ...
- Do not you think it is shameless ... But I have to really go home, otherwise they are in trouble ...
- A father is a bit 'harsh, eh? - I tried to guess and she stared in my eyes and replied, looking very serious:
- No. They are freedom probation.
- Ah - I froze, with the instinct to get me back and almost back I should have followed that instinct. I did not have time to rationalize my desire when she added:
- I live in Crespi d'Adda. I can just restore the boot comes off?
- Crespi? But that is the textile mill village, where there are homes of the owners of the castle-shaped Addams Family?
- Exactly that, thanks.
- But it's a bit 'far ...
- Thank you thank you ... I live right next to the cemetery of the Spinning Mill! - he said walking away.
- Mm .. precisely with this theme night! Okay .. but when I port?
- Tonight .. with the look!

I was not able to say no. It was too beautiful and then a little 'I liked that aura of mystery around her, dressed like a witch, in "probation" on Halloween night. Perhaps they will come out a better story to tell ...

I was at least ten minutes in the rain trying to pull the damn boot from the manhole where it was stuck, but in the end could now soaked and went back to the car. I turned on the heater to maximum and I wondered where the hell was over that girl. Certainly was in the car somewhere near the parking lot and maybe I could retrieve it on the street, avoiding all the way up to Crespi.

I had hoped in vain! The streets were deserted, thanks to the rain and holy days are here and recognize it for the houses lit up with festive lights and orange gourds or people dressed up to mask off the premises. I arrived at Crespi that was almost one o'clock at night and the atmosphere of that particular place gave me a really strange effect that night, which by its nature is magical. I slowed down immediately after the descent of the bridge, while the old mill ran to my right and the houses of the little workers took turns one after the other to my left. I came to the entrance of the avenue of the cemetery, where the road bends left and there I stopped to check the strange house of my interlocutor.

Just after the bend I saw the castle with its towers. I was sure of arriving on the grounds that it was the only house where there was a small light at the entrance access and thought that this was a small mark left by my friend so I can recognize his home. I parked and got out with his boot in his hand, making way with a torch, because apart from that luminary, the avenue was immersed in the dark.

The black metal gate was open and I pushed him entering the courtyard. I climbed some steps and discovered that the door was slightly ajar. It seemed that someone was really waiting for, so I pushed inwards gently, softly asking if there was someone.

- Hello! You have arrived at last ...

Startled by the sudden fear, but fear came almost immediately when I recognized the my guest.

- Here .. I can give you the right? Hello. I am Malena.
- Malena? But feel there's a party? It 's all so bleak ...
- Oh my boots! You did it, thank you thank you thank you ... What's your name?
- David ...
- David .. what a beautiful name ...
- ... six failed to return on time or your father is angry? And then, as you came, you had the car?
- My father? The car? What do you mean? Are you crazy?
- Do not tell me that you're back on foot ...
- I? Of course not ... I'm back on the broom!
- The broom? Ah yes ... witch of my boots ... - And I was struck by the almost inadvertent joke I just made ... "Witch" and "my boots" ...
- What is it? Do not believe me?
- And now you want me to believe that you're also a terrorist who travels on probation and there is no father ...
- That's right, there is no father, but are on probation ...
- Who watches ..? - I asked ready to hear yet another joke.
- Look, it's a bad story, I'm not going to tell it now ... want something to drink?
- I'd be curious to know what you've done to be on probation? You have materialized "purple elephant"?
- Purple Elephants?
- Yes .. how does Maga Magò in "The Sword in the Stone," you've never seen a child?
- Maga magician? The Sword in the Stone? What do you mean?
- Look, it's Halloween night but this game I was bored. Then I go home ... - And continued to mumble walked toward the exit and stopped only when I realized that the door is simply not there anymore. I turned around mumbling - Malena, enough of these games - but I stopped almost immediately.

Malena took a deadly serious expression on seeing me look through it and stick to something behind him. The man was behind her and looked at me with a piercing gaze and magnetic fields. I could feel the chill inside me, while his eyes roamed undisturbed in my body, my heart, in my brain. It was a strange feeling that I had never tried before, like someone looking at the same soul and I could not stop it and hide from his view.

- David, I think you have known Doctor Sock, right? - And turned around, finding confirms the arrival of man behind him.

Strange name for a human being, I thought, even if a man seemed to have only the external appearance, not the soul. He was tall, completely bald, dressed elegantly in a white shirt, black tie and a full black, too. His face was just laid back and left shoulder forward. It was not the whole picture that made me afraid. What I had his eyes were terrified. They seemed clear and the pupil had a little 'elliptical as that of cats. Malena took what I was feeling and told me:

- Doctor Sock is my godfather, David. He took me with him since I was little and my parents are dead. It 's the leader of the Wizards of Amis, Romania. I do not know if you have ever heard ...
- Melanie ... Milena ... no
- Malena ...
- Malena ... yes sorry, listen, I'm tired .. just these games. Now you make me go out and I'm going back to my house ...
- I can not do nothing. And 'the Doctor Sock decides. I knew I should not make you come here ...
- have exceeded their limit ...- I said, when suddenly the man disappeared from my view. I could not believe my eyes. Could not be true.
- Sit down, David ... please ... I'll explain everything ...
- I think I'm not feeling too well .. you've got a bit 'of water?
- Sit ... I bring you ...

Malena withdrew behind a curtain and I was alone in that room that I did not realize it was so huge. He had very high vaulted ceilings and frameworks where the walls were paintings of various shady characters that seem to look with compassion. The only light came from a fireplace nearby, to which I would have moved if it was not that my legs felt very heavy and something inside me suggested to remain firm and immovable. Luckily it was not long Malena and returned with a dish of white porcelain which was leaning over a glass of water.

- Here ... So ... Malena and I'm a witch.
- Malena, please ...
- I'm a witch ... really ...
- Yes And I Prince Ali is ...
- The witches exist, David. Usually we get confused between human beings and give up our spells for a while '...
- Sure ...
- So, tell me ... want proof?
- Feel .. I want to go home ... agree?
- I can not ...
- Here .. See? And why could not you?
- I can not. Doctor Sock ...
- Who is that man?
- I told you. It 's my godfather. I lost my parents when I was small and he was the brother of my father. We lived in Romania, Constanta, Constanta on the Black Sea is located near the site of Tomis, a Greek colony. I do not know how you know the story ... sorry, what you call "mythology" ...
- Not ... but feel this is enough ...
- No, listen ... I am a descendant of Medea. Do you know?
- I've vaguely heard of but I do not care now .. listen I am a writer and I have a lot of imagination, but you beat me, you're good, but now let me go home.
- I can not.
- How can you not?
- No until it returns to Doctor Sock.
- Who is this Doctor Sock .. no, I do not understand ...
- If you make me talk I'll explain ... It 's a powerful wizard and you better do what you say ...
- I give up ... more ...
- Good. Medea was the daughter of Aeetes that had the Golden Fleece. When Jason arrived in Colchis with the Argonauts, Medea fell in love with him and helped him steal the fleece. Aeetes discovered the deception of Medea, but she killed her brother and the remains scattered behind him after he boarded the ship Argo. Aeetes followed her and landed at Tomi. Medea was a powerful sorceress. Wife became Jason's jealousy and wanted to take his offspring, killing his own children, which led Jason to suicide.
- Listen ... it's late ... What's it all about?
- I am a descendant of Medea. Like you and all the women in my family to my grandmother and my mother, I like her magical powers. How do I get her to do evil if love. My parents are dead for this. It was my mother who killed my father and then committed suicide, because he was seized by a moment of deep jealousy. My father was innocent ... I am sure, I have proof. 'S why I need a guardian. Doctor Sock's brother, my father was chosen as my guardian to take me away from all men, that I could not fall in love in my turn and kill him. Unfortunately, about two hundred years ago ...
- Two hundred? Wow, you take them well!
- About two hundred years ago - resumed as if I had not stopped - I fell in love with a man in Madison, Wisconsin, near Lake Mendota. I agreed to be transformed myself for her love in a human being, thus losing my immortality, my magic and my power to harm him. Doctor Sock opposed because he was in love with me and trapped in a cave under the lake until my beloved did not die, diving one night to try to save me. Since then Doctor Sock keeps me prisoner and I am only free on Halloween night, with the obligation to come back here by midnight, alone, the death penalty for anyone to accompany me or be with me unless I get back.
- My God .. that fable of fear ...
- Why do not you believe me? Okay ... Thou hast desired. Stand up!

I got curious about what would happen, all full of skepticism imaginable. It was Halloween night and could not be just a joke, a stupid joke by some wag among my friends. A joke, however, I had to admit, very successful.

Malena suddenly stood before me and put her lips on mine. Doctor Sock appeared at that very moment Malena and flung against a wall. His body went through him and disappeared from my sight in disbelief while I sensed that something be his spirit continued to fly with us.

I stood in front of the man, comforted by the thought that the end was not much more impressive to me. Yet in the eyes showed a strength that I thought I had. What could I do? Surrender to him? Malena suddenly heard screaming my name and begging for me to escape. I could not. He held me in place with the his gaze in my eyes. I had completely blocked the muscles. Every inch of skin was under his power and he knew what was happening to me and the thought of what tickled the brain to move up to his eyes and grinning mouth. He raised his arm, his left hand on me, as the laying on of hands for the blessing that I could do every Sunday in church the priest on duty. He began a chant softly. I did not understand the words, or perhaps a Latin language seemed much older. The pronounced like a holy man down there and I knew I was saying something against me but I could not take off my head the idea that it was only a dream. So I repeated to myself "I want wake up, I wake up, "but I could not. Malena continued to scream my name, interrupted by a call to Doctor Sock which begged to let me go.

When the man stopped his dirge, a force forced me to kneel at his feet, have not been able to raise any kind of resistance or acts of will as taking his eyes from his. I was there on his knees, repeating my spell to wake up, when he returned Malena in body and spirit, alighting beside Doctor Sock and resting his hands on my head. The strength that I felt coming in that instant the man stopped and Doctor Sock moved and invested with unimaginable violence Malena, who fell to the ground unconscious. I screamed and threw myself against him with all the anger that I had mounted in the body, partly because of the humiliation to which I was subjected, and partly because I could not bear that had wounded Malena. I got not even touch, something I am devastated because my mind and I thought at that moment my feet off the ground and the ceiling of the castle is opened to let go and fly upward.

I could not believe it. What was happening was beyond my imagination, but felt particularly vivid, as writer. I do not remember well the feelings of the moment, because my head was spinning, I felt the presence of Malena by my side, which seemed impossible because I had seen with my eyes unconscious, but at the same time it was as if she was pure breeze, and the wind just blew into me.

Suddenly all this stopped. I found myself sitting on the chair in my house with the laptop on my lap, eyes mixed sleep and a round knob in his hand, which recognized a button of his coat of Doctor Sock. I looked at my watch and saw that it was only eleven. Impossible!

Well, if it were not for that button, I would have thought I dreamed it all. But the strange object in my hand I do not belong there and could not have happened by accident. I got up, took the racing car keys that were resting on my desk and went down the street. The car was parked right there where I had left on my return from the hospital and it was cold enough to make it plausible to assume that since I had never moved house. The gate is shut behind me with violence and turned around scared because I felt as if someone somewhere was watching me and was laughing at me.

part disappeared to Crespi d'Adda. I had to figure out if it was a dream or if there was something very real in what is believed to have lived. I got there in half an hour riattraversai the bridge, along the road past the mill and came to the cemetery. I turned left and parked. The house was there, no I'd dreamed. Identical to that in which I met Malena, differing only in the light that shone out more and had broken glass. The door was ajar, I went and I stopped. The air was cold. There were cobwebs everywhere. It seemed uninhabited for a long time, a time that could be hundreds of years, because nothing furnishings and fabrics or ornaments belonged to the world of today or the last century. I recognized the high times and the paintings on the walls but it seemed to me that those grim portraits were laughing behind my back. The cold made me afraid, but it was only when I felt a breeze caressing your face and lips that my heart is squeezed in a vise and I decided to get away from that place as fast as I could.

Back home, I sat at my desk and I opened the computer to the chapter that I should start. Not that I want: I was pretty upset. I decided to open the Internet to look up something Crespi d'Adda and the house. It was then that I noticed that a bag was shining on the bar bottom right, a sign that someone had written me an email. I opened my program for e-mail as soon as I saw the sender Startled and "Malena." I opened the mail and saw only a small inscription "I'm fine. Thanks for the boot. "Bottom of the page.

It was a moment: I erased the email, I threw the button from the window and started to write my thriller.
you, what would you do for me?

I ask only one thing: if ever in a Halloween night, about eleven o'clock in the evening, a girl you should stop and ask for help to remove a boot from a stupid stupid grille, well, be sensible! Pretend not to see her, although her violet eyes are more beautiful than what you ever saw. Even if his lips will remind you of the reddest rose petals in the world and the skin of his face will look like his silky hair.

flee for charity. Run away.


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