Friday, October 15, 2010

Actions Onebay For Atvs

The noose


was about six in the afternoon and Anita was in a hurry. As usual it was left to take with enthusiasm by mathematical formulas and had forgotten the time. In those moments she had neither hands nor dial the only tick that he felt was of his fingers on the computer keyboard and mouse buttons. The memo Outlook had already postponed twice, and he knew he was late for an appointment with him, "had an interview in which he expected to promote in anticipation for all the savings that the company would meet with its new model cost control. He decided he could not enter the meeting without first stop in the bathroom, as had been nailed to the desk in the morning, groped for closing the new version of its model, one that would be worth the mention in official documents that were taken weekly to new CEO.

out of the bathroom had a broad and walked briskly toward the long and the head office. Maximilian, that was his name, was a man who was estimated. It was not the typical go-getter who would do anything - including the discounted sale of the mother - even your career. And in two years they had worked together had established a kind of complicity between the two, governed by mutual respect and the fact that Anita was giving his work with a big push up to his boss.

He knocked but got no response. Ribussò after bringing the ear to the door, to see if by chance Maximilian was plunged into a river of its call and response is still not getting laid her hand on the handle and down slightly, with the effect of creating a few millimeters of space where throw an eye to see if the head was inside or not. Anything or anyone.

Then he returned to his desk a bit 'angry, took his Blackberry, I send an instant message to his boss "WHERE ARE YOU?" And heard a short distance a beep. He had a flash, turned back and opened the door of Maximilian.

The body hung lifeless from the ceiling. A loop of strong rope was wrapped around the man's neck and pushed her head hanging to the right shoulder. The eyes were open and outward. His mouth was also open, as in an attempt to steal the air around to push it down into the lungs. He was dressed in his dark gray suit, white shirt and green tie, as he had seen used by its leaders direct and parent. The legs dangling on the desk, strictly in the pants with the crease down and pence. I walk in the shoes dangling black Herring. Just away from the desk upon which he was the man's body was lying upside down in a chair, probably used by Max to get to the loop and push the end to complete its terrible design.

The desk was clean, tidy and no message was apparently written to explain the gesture, or something showing that Maximilian had no intention of receiving Anita that afternoon. The motivation is unknown, but it was death by suicide was unmistakable.


Alfredo had recently arrived at the head of the company. Toy company. A company like many others, recently returned from a merger and with heavy restructuring still to be made. He was after all used to be the man of "optimization", although he had only thirty-five. Everything in his training had contributed to that moment: the studies, the stages, the first experiences in consultancies with a high level.

had been rescued by the CEO of the parent company of a group of consultants who had worked in the merger: he liked it as soon as they started working together, perhaps because it reminded him a lot of his son Alfredo, who was lost between games instead of ' and nights gambling at the casino on one side and parties based on coca and the other sex. He had arrived

a few months ago and had smelled rotten when he set foot in that company. He did not yet understand what were the games, who was on his side and who's not, who was trustworthy and who should be shown the door, but was willing to do so as soon as possible.

was in his office. It was seven. His secretary, Clara, went out of breath without even knocking, which the mall is not just, as was reading the documentation with your legs resting on the table, smoking.

- Eh .. Clara, what is it? Do not you knock?
- Excuse me Doctor. It 'a very serious happened.
- What happened on ... Usually the employee remained locked in an elevator? It will be the fifth time since I came here ...
- Doctor. Dr. Ferrari has this?
- Massimiliano Ferrari? The Head of Finance?
- Yes, him.
- Yes, I have this ... and then?
- It 's dead.
- Oh my God .. how he died? How he knew?
- It '... is ... is ... there is the police who want to talk ... here ... I'm right here ...
- The police? And why ask? How he died?

Clara could not speak because he was detached from the Commissioner Polesel, who entered with arrogance to the office.
- Commissioner Polesel. She is the CEO of this company?
- I can explain What's happening?
- We have been called ... - Started the Commissioner, but was immediately interrupted by Clara: Anita Cenci, Doctor, you know this girl pretty and nice working with Dr. Ferrari ...? He called her ...
- What the hell happened? Someone want to explain it to me? - Alfredo shouted impatiently.
- Sir, please ... - The Commissioner said to Clara, who did not want to miss a minute of that interview and felt compelled to inform her the news to his manager, rather than short and fat man, and even arrogant by that name which was a bit 'funny on him, because it reminded just a chicken.
- Clara, I beg you, get out and leave me with the Commissioner - Alfredo said Clara, with great regret that a muttered "How do you want" and walked slowly toward the door, lingering in close as if to drive away the time when it was finally out of the reach of those rumors. When he was out, Alfredo went - I'm sorry Commissioner. Please, tell me.
- An employee, Massimiliano Ferrari, committed suicide in his office on the fifth floor of this building about two hours ago. The body was discovered by his assistant, Anita Cenci, who has indicated an entrance to his office for an assessment interview with him.
- Ah ... and what else did he say? May not have heard anything?
- He did not say anything, for that matter ... what I told her we showed it to manage on his way .. is distraught .. seems crazy .. continues to go back and forth with his assessment in hand and smoking a cigarette after another. We called a psychologist who should arrive within an hour, so take it home and follows her. They should also reach her relatives ..
- But it is certain that it's a suicide?
- We have not found anything so far that shows that it is not, sorry. It seems obvious enough, but we have to wait for scientific ends its work before confirming that it is suicide. I'm here for. Should also ask his colleagues and associates over the next days for each case and find, if possible, some justification to the act.
- did not leave anything ... written to mean?
- No. I also need to have access to your personnel files to notify the family. I guess you have references ...
- Mm .. yes - then held out his arm toward the internal phone and said - Clara, please call Stefani staff and ask for references and private work of Dr Ferrari. Now thanks - and facing the inspector - I'm sorry, how can I help you?
- You did not hear anything? Knew him well? Have you any idea?
- see Commissioner have recently arrived in this company. I'm working a few months with these people and really do not know them all thoroughly. Sure, I already felt antipathies, sympathies, I have already got the idea there are coalitions that is inevitable at some level but ... no, I do not think faiducce work were of such importance that lead to suicide.
- Good. I need her
- I am at your disposal ...
- In these cases - I have spent many, believe me! - It is common practice to question my colleagues and what comes out is the classic picture pink dell'impiegatuccio model that does not and would not hurt a fly. I do not need it, even if I do it because I is required. What I need is to come out of the underworld chatter and rumors of a typical company, one from the coffee machine, whether business or personal stuff, I do not care as long as you take me to understand why a man who apparently can be considered "arrived" at any moment decide to suicide.
- How do I? He knows that ...
- I do not care how you do it. She 's the CEO of this company. Find a way ... - The inspector said, as she stood up and headed for the door. Almost collided with Clara that came with the ticket when they were presented in beautiful calligraphy home phone and the phone company and staff of Dr Ferrari. Polesel escaped the hand of the ticket, he thanked between his teeth and went out.


had been a week and the case was still standing.

Commissioner Polesel was black with rage. Once again he could not bring out anything significant on the lives of suicide: good person, a regular life, career clean. Nobody reasonably explained why he had committed suicide. Yet he knew that something big had happened in the life of man. It could be something totally unexpected that had devastated the lives or something that slowly drop to drop, had eroded his mental stability. His family

depicting him as a lonely man, perhaps a bit 'sad and pessimistic, with its discontents and its disappointments, but not desperate to the point of suicide. To colleagues he was a loyal opponent, a good leader for employees and managers a reliable person. So? That's it? The justification of suicide remains unknown. Soon they would be asked to close the case and he could not do anything about it, because its liability ended when it was ascertained that the deceased had committed suicide. Why was not his task to find out.

also to Alfred the worm had been, especially because in the last few days had increased the stench of rotten he had heard on his arrival. He decided that he should get to the bottom and asked Polesel to stall for a few days.

- Clara, call me .. then: Dr. Semeraro of Operations, Dr. Pasquini and Dr. Riboldi of the two production management, Dr. Galli Research, all carry-overs of Dr. Ferrari and the sibling of the other way .. in short, all the first and second line and carry a Ferrari. Okay? This afternoon at four o'clock in the board room. Who is not possible to sign the resignation letter and leave from tomorrow.


At least four five Alfredo was already sitting in the board room, with a block where he was clocked by Clara names of all those who have attended the meeting. Within a few minutes the hall was filled with colleagues, but unlike the other occasions when this happened - a Christmas or Easter, resignations or new hires - this time they were all concentrated look at the floor and had a few eyes fluttered quietly and without guilt around the room.

Among them was Anita, in a closed tailleurino blue gabardine and a shocking pink shirt, the only woman present, who admired the decor of the room and rarely had time to look at in detail. He was admiring the paintings of Miro and trying to read the titles on the label of metal resting just below the frame, when Alfredo announced the start of the meeting with some little cough, he asked for confirmation that Clara they all arrived and asked her to leave, closing the door behind him. He thought for a moment what would have been funny if Clara had them locked in the board room and left there all the time: it could be an idea to reach its goal, but that was another story.

- Are you wondering why I called - and here all accondiscesero with the head or the stupid smile of circumstance - Good. The reason is the death of Dr Ferrari of which you all know. - Paused until the murmur that revelation is not dictated by self-censorship - I can not think of a man - took his block and read the report of the Commissioner, underlining the words - "kind ... educated ... hard worker ... honest ... a great boss and a good manager ... "From one day to decide to hang by the neck at the office. Silence! - Underwear - It 's why, no matter what was the scientific investigation and the decision of the Commissioner Polesel suicide, although not yet formally closed, in all honesty against this man who apparently seemed loved by all, I decided to do my own personal investigation and I expect all of you, and I said "all" you're very collaborative. Questions?

Anita felt particularly interested. It was the only and this woman was the person who discovered the corpse. He was still shocked and upset. He raised his hand timidly and gave her his word when Alfred asked: - What kind of collaboration is expected ... that is, what should we do?

- Anita ... right? - And she gave a nod of approval - I know that she was particularly struck by this incident. The inspector told me all of his interrogation, since it is the main witness. Thank you for the way it been able to collaborate with institutions, despite the shock, but not enough. You see - everyone - business is about people and people have emotions, thoughts, interests, ideals and principles. The Building Relationships that people can not be just work. There is empathy ... a person can not be completely separate, or at least not always ... and it is inevitable that you get to fighting, where they are touched deep in the values \u200b\u200bupon which a person has built its existence. Dr. Ferrari was a man who had deeply rooted values \u200b\u200bof honesty, justice and fairness. Its curriculum drawn up by its former staff responsible in the last ten years the paint as well. It was, in short, what you call a man in one piece ... and a man all of a piece has only two reasons to come to a suicide: a shocking love gone wrong or a sense of guilt that the monstrous His ego can not stand. Well, gentlemen ... I want to understand which of the two reasons behind the suicide of Dr Ferrari. For one simple reason: because if it is not a love story to have led to an act so inhumane, then that is within this company that something inhuman is found and eradicated. And it is my job, as CEO, whether this is a healthy company or a company is run.

Are you wondering how to do it, right? I will call you personally. With each of you in the coming days will set a meeting for half an hour at most, in which you tell me about Dr Ferrari, your relationships with him, his relations with colleagues and personal aspects of his you know if you know them. I do not accept undue delay. Cancel any commitment by tomorrow morning and go from Clara to set your session or leave his name as soon as they are free ... You can go if there are any questions ... No one spoke

... They were all with her hands on the armrests of the chairs and nail stakes in the hard stuff, his legs swinging back and forth to the nervousness. Alfredo got up and left the room and slowly there was a murmur which stated disappointment, fear and mistrust. Each thought and imagined wrongs to their other colleagues are ready to put them in the square in front of the CEO, for make a fine show.

Anita looked a bit 'sgaiattolò around and then out to the desk of Clara, asking for her appointment that same afternoon, if possible. Then took the elevator and went back to the office.

Clara Chapter 3 Anita greeted with a smile. That girl reminded her of her daughter and adoration since she worked. If you remember the time because she was working at Human Resources, now called Human Resources. Invited her to get into the managing director.

Anita guests enter the fearful. It was the first time he entered the office administrator delegate, a large room from the cool colors - white steel and glass everywhere. Surely from there the view was spectacular Milan, but did not have time to focus on the landscape.

- Hello - Anita waved shyly.
- Hello. Please sit down. It takes a coffee?
- No thanks.
- Good ... it is a bit 'recovery?
- Well, here ... It is not easy ... apart from the discovery in itself .. In short, you do not expect it ... I had the appraisal interview so I thought I was in there, I thought to find him at his desk as usual ... but it was there, that look ...
- Forget not want to unleash unpleasant memories ..
- Yes, but is not seen just that. In fact, it is the idea of \u200b\u200bnot understanding what goes on in my head is whirling ever since. In short, in the end I spent a lot of time with him. I do not know if he knows, but we were designing a new system of cost control, we say that it was almost ready ... here, missing the last calibration and then we presented it to him ...
- Mm ... what is it?
- see ... So far, all invoices are controlled by a single central unit within the administration, which simply checks that the contracts are in place formally, so that they are valid, and then pay the amount in the contract. There are contracts in which they are defined by consumption rather than the costs of services and administration simply verify that the calculations are correct, they can not go into the service.
- Excuse me, but what services are we talking about?
- We are talking of the materials needed to produce those games: plastic, fabric ...
- Excuse me, but is not certified as the material used?
- Depends on the branch of production. As you know there is a branch, which is handmade toys, which are made of wood by craftsmen out of our factory, which require the material to work: fabric, wood, nails, everything that serves to produce then we sell toys.
- And then?
- Well, we have verified that there are pockets of inefficiency and potential abuse in the delivery of this material and are structured differently it can lead to savings of over one million euro.
- What?
- Yes, I did not believe it myself. But you see, the model is simple: the average part of material that was used for the past ten years by the craftsmen and compares this with the amount required by individual craftsmen. In this way we can leave at home or correct the most wasteful, as well as faulty parts of the test materials, we can send back to suppliers.
- It seems a trivial concept ... because it had never come up before?
- Why was the first leader to manage the supply of material to Our craftsmen and knew nothing of our jobs! They paid just ... Now we want to move the checking of invoices and payment with us, with staff to oversee the post production process, industrial, I mean. E 'persons in authority, which may challenge the artisans of their working methods.
- Congratulations ...
- Thank you. It 's almost finished. There was no collection of statistics last year and then we brought him ...
- Why tell me? It has to do with suicide?
- I do not know ... the fact is that I often heard arguing with Dr. Ferrari Dr. Pasquini and Dr. Riboldi on this topic. Dr. Riboldi argued that the model had flaws and was not able to capture the data properly. Pasquini and Ferrari claimed the opposite ...
- in your opinion?
- I am sure that the model is correct, and so I went out on my own.
- Do not tell me more about the relationship with Pasquini and Riboldi?
- No, sorry. They have always looked askance at Riboldi with, I know him by, but lately the scene was worse ...
- What do you think?
- I? I think they are all a bit 'scared now ... sa ... if it emerges something strange ...
- Why talk about something strange?
- It 's a feeling ... fails to qualify, but I think someone like you who do not have the conscience clean ...
- Ah ... and the personal point of view?
- He was a gentleman. Do not think I could say more, sorry.
- Okay ... I reserve the right to call you if necessary.
- are available to the doctor.
- Thank you ... ah! Finish your model, I want to study it.
- Yes - Anita smiled - there accounts!

Chapter 4

Alfredo had been a bit 'dazed by the conversation with Anita. Could not understand how an error had been made so simple for years. He made a quick account of what had been wasted in recent years and those investments could do with that money. His ball had always been the research and development, that that company was not particularly advanced, and set out to use all the savings that were born from the use of that model just for that sector.

- Please Sandro! - Said Dr. Alfredo greeting Pasquini, director of the production standard.

He never explained why there were two directors of production, one dedicated to the "standard" production, the assembly line, so to speak, and one dedicated to handicraft production. It was obviously a drag of old privileges resulting from mergers of different companies, in which the previous management had chosen not to bet on either of the directors but by allocating risks and merits of two people.

It was therefore natural that among Riboldi Pasquini and there was a bit 'of resentment, but he had worked to transform this feeling is little use in a healthy competition. Pasquini much preferred, but he also wanted to offer a fair chance and another director had set in around a year to choose the better of the two for the reunification of the production. Maybe it was time to do it and the occasion was propitious.

- Sandro So, what do you tell?
- We go along very well ... I've seen the latest reports of sales e. ..
- No no, I did not want to work ...
- Oh no? And why did you call me then?
- Ferrari ...
- Ah, bad story ...
- Already ... Tell me ...
- What do you tell? Maximilian was a tough, one who believed in his work. Maybe because in the end she had no family ...
- I was not married?
- stain ... had long since put the cross on women and marriage. Once we were at dinner in Paris was unbuttoned a bit 'and I had mentioned to a woman who was about to marry. Then I do not know what happened and chose to be alone.
- lived alone?
- Yes, yes, alone. He lives ... lived, even from parts of the canal, you know those houses ... How come they call ... those that have a single space ... Oh God I can not ...
- Loft?
- Yes, here is good, a loft one hundred and twenty square meters. I was there when he was sick and had brought the urgent work at home ... a wonder! You can not imagine ...
- And at work?
- He and I went quite agree. We were very much like how we work. We worked together for many years, the same philosophy: to collaborate and work for a single business objective.
- with others?
- He was a very conciliatory ... I must say that was pretty good with all ...
- Even with Riboldi?
- No. .. Riboldi here is one of the few exceptions, say the one at the front line. For the rest had some conflict with some of my person or some other person but the whole research be classified in accordance with ... you know, like when you're mad and then you go for a beer together. Riboldi with no ...
- Why not?
- Riboldi other company broke it was always looked askance since he arrived. You know ... just arrived and appointed head of Finance has started putting his hand accounts ... Riboldi was the only Director of Production of the other company ...
- One of your rival, so ...
- Yes .. but it is one that we understand how he came up: stab to the right and left, a little respect for people, leccaculo until his death. After all you got to know ...
- Well so what?
- And then you are humiliated immediately. Maximilian began to put the bill on costs, challenging the model of production and most recently worked with this girl ... what's his name ...
- Anita Cenci?
- Yes, with her ... a tale that girl. A head of fear ...
- From what he told me his discovery is a bit 'obvious ... do not you think?
- in itself the concept is very simple, I agree ... but the model is well thought out. We tried to adopt it on the production line that I manage and we pulled off a series of crap that some vendors have changed then.
- Ah ...
- Yes .. and now were ready to attack the area of \u200b\u200bHandmade ...
- So you Riboldi a bit 'put on the defensive ...
- Yes .. so ...
- Semeraro And what do you think?
- He was the guard Riboldi ... Roseanne has been for years ... but lately you can not make that game is ... seems andargli against ...
- I understand ... okay ... I think that is enough ...
- I hope you can find who did it ...
- Who did it?
- Alfredo ... I do not think the idea of \u200b\u200bsuicide ...
- No stops ... I'm not questioning what science has shown ... I'm interested to know why ...
- Find the bastard who is behind this because ... Maximilian did not deserve that ending ...
- I'll try ... around if you hear something, let me know ...
- Contac ... hello good work.

Chapter 5

Angelo Semeraro was a stocky man, bald and with glasses for short-sightedness. At school he was the classic nerd and work was a classic book. It would have been driven to a life as an accountant if a series of fortuitous circumstances they had not elevated to the rank of Director of Operations, which clung to the brush where there were issues of economic and peeled off the skin when the subjects ranged from 'IT organization and human resources.

was not instinctively sympathetic to anyone, but who had learned to know him said that he was very witty and intelligent, that feigned incompetence when things are not really interested him and did not want to make decisions.

Alfredo snubbed him a bit 'for that curriculum a bit' outside the lines stop the Diploma in Accounting. For this reason, continued to give him her, in spite of continuing employment relationships.

- Semeraro hello. Please sit down.
- Good morning doctor. Excuse me for being late, but I was stuck in an accounting charge a bit 'strange.
- Mm ... okay?
- Yes, yes, the guys working there now ... Tell me, doctor?
- Listen Semeraro, I called you here to talk a bit 'of Ferrari.
- Do not know how close I was sorry ...
- It was his carry ...
- A good boy! Honest from head to toe!
- Why do I say this first of all?
- Why we recently talked about a lot of honesty at work, Dr. .. Ferrari was about to uncover some of the tombs' stink ...
- What does it mean?
- Well ... had discovered that there were many accounts on the craft that did not return and was preparing a formal model that could detect these purposes.
- What do you mean "accounts that did not come back?
- Mah .. lots of material delivered twice to the same craftsman, matches made for no reason, lots of material underpaid ... doctor and then, let's face it, many the craftsmen who work for us not even guarantee the quality that we pass off the outside ... are there for grace received!
- Listen Semeraro or makes a clear complaint or shut up ... What are these words said by a little 'by the mafia, that speak and say nothing?
- You said you wanted to know everything and I'm telling everything. Only that as long as that model is not applied I do not have the certainty of nothing ...
- Why? What does a theoretical model and statistical evidence with her?
- In reality we are loading the historical evidence on the basis of such work and we are calibrating the model because it does not give the wrong signal. Until this work is not is over I can not say anything. Missing the last year of data ... What the story is just what has emerged so far, looking somewhat 'thumb data.
- Who needs to load this data?
- It 's team of Anita Cenci them being charged. Unfortunately it's going a bit 'slow because two people are gone and have not been replaced. We took a temporary and an intern but understands well that is not the same thing ...
- When do you end up ..?
- Soon, Doctor.
- Other?
- No. I recommend ... Doctor ... go to bottom. Ferrari deserves at least that is the truth to light.


Mario Riboldi was Classic in Naples man nicknamed 'or' womanizer ': a nice forties, charming, separate with a lot of money to spend and a job as manager. Half of the girls died of envy for Selene, his secretary, who spent much time with him, more than could be expected from a normal working relationship. After all she was in the canons of the secretaries: blonde, skinny, tall, very pretty, of good family, with little inclination to study, landed in that spot for the recommendation.

Alfredo kept him at a distance: he was not sympathetic, but had to do a lot with him, being the second director of production, the one that ran the part of handicraft production.

- Alfredo, I see a little 'beaten .. mica'll be working hard? - Make arrogant Riboldi said entering the study the CEO.
- Sit Mario ... I do not have much time ...
- What? I see you worried? And it is the story of Ferrari?
- Bravo, the one ...
- But excuse is a closed case, right?
- Yes, the case is closed, "almost" closed ... but I want to go back and I want to find out why he committed suicide.
- What do you want? It must have been for a woman, no?
- He was not ...
- Then it will be because he had not been ...
- In reports that were with him?
- What is an interrogation? - Asked worried.
- Answer ... I'm trying to understand ...
- We were not on good terms ... that was what you wanted to hear you say? We were not at all!
- and why?
- recently was doing the fleas in my area ...
- What?
- Yes .. in short, to the artisans who work with us, sent materials, work badly done, stuff like this ... purported to demonstrate that they are recommended and are working badly, but it is a lie! They are our partners for more than ten years. Some I put me under contract and good people. And 'that stupid model that stupid girl who does not work and take whistles for flasks ...
- Mm .. you see him? I have spoken well ...
- What do you want to be?! A robin on excel ... with all the bugs that excel knows what he pulls out ... I I've got the revenue from my damn! That little girl wants to come to me fleas? Please .. chat and share the work and then see if he can bring what I bring!
- you're not nice ...
- stain ... a greenhorn presumptuous that maybe he was sleeping with his Ferrari ...
- On what basis do you make this statement ...
- Massa ... those two were always together ... seemed to flirt all day instead of working ...
- I do not have evidence?
- But by Alfredo ... about ... are things that people say ... I'm sick of this bales history of Ferrari. I am a serious person, I do my job and I have nothing to complain about. If you're not good to take and send me away, but enough with this nonsense ... now I go, I see a supplier ...
- Go on, go ...
- Hello Fred ...

He hated when she called him Fred. Perhaps because the only Fred could think of was Fred Flintstone and the comparison with a caveman just did not like. What a strange attitude that had Mario, looking like a classic man with much to hide that shot on the other as a defense. Despite all that the idea had been forming in his head about Ferrari was that of an honest person, who loved his job and loved to go down. For this reason was preparing a model that would bring the light of the inefficiencies. It was getting a few enemies because of this, a very powerful especially Mario Riboldi, but in the end, still could not understand what was the step that led him to commit suicide. Anita seemed the solution ...


- Doctor called me?
- Yes, I'm sorry for the time, but Clara told me that he was still in office ...
- Do not worry ...
- was working on his model?
- Yes ..
- They told me to load lots of data because the model functions, correct?
- Well, Dr. Semeraro asked me to upload them, in effect, but the sheer model can be brought into production without historical data: start work today and a year gives us the first evidence. If you want it to be operating now have to load the historical data ... all.
- Ah ... and Dr. Semeraro want to load the historian since when?
- He asked me to upload ten years of history.
- Ten? What do you want?
- I do not know. Not explained to me ...
- Mm ... and we make it?
- Well, I'm focusing on the model. My team is loading the data, but two weeks ago have gone away two people ...
- Yes yes I know ...
- Ah ... and so we still have a year to load ...
- Listen, I ask you a personal question?
- Well ... I do not know ...
- Have you ever had a relationship with Dr. Ferrari ...
- But no! What does it say?
- Not even an attempt ... maybe Dr. Ferrari ...
- No, no absolutely not. Dr. Ferrari was a gentleman! And then I'm engaged, doctor, I'm getting married soon ... that's why I'm working so much. I want to close before the wedding, I do not like leaving things half ...
- Well, excuse me, but it was a question that I had to do ...
- I'm sorry if you thought ...
- I did not think nothing, believe me. Sorry to me ... but I had to ...
- If you have done, can I go?
- Sure ... go well. Excuse me again
- Good evening, doctor ...

Section 8

lived Luca Galli in a fantasy world and fantasy: that ideal as a researcher for new children's playground. It was a big baby himself a bit 'grown, chubby, always with a cigarette in his mouth, a piece of candy or a lollipop. Sometimes, when he passed to his room - which like all the rooms had a large window instead of the separation wall - saw him sitting at his desk with his head in the air to try to collect the ideas that were flying around, or standing close to the blackboard to draw strange objects and the usage. Surely he would not have been of any help to find out something concerning the death of Ferrari, but still felt compelled to make us a chat.

- Luca ... then - said getting in his study - what are you inventing today?
- Alfredooo, what a nice surprise! I was going to come to you to talk about ... here's ... this time I thought of the mothers!
- Mums?
- Yes .. Yesterday I was talking to a mom ... I interviewed a bit 'to get some idea of \u200b\u200bour furniture for baby rooms ... and you know what is the regular complaint of the mothers of doll under a year?
- No, shoot, what is? - Alfredo asked smiling
- What the children asleep in my arms and just put themselves in front of the couch and leans on it to put them to sleep in, wake up and these brats scream ... and then what I found? Eh? Ask me what I found you?
- Yes .. by what you find me?
- I found the treadmill accompanying dreams!
- What is it?
- You support the doll on the platform and squash a button ... after which it accompanies the baby in the bed, so you will not bend, do not fake moves ...
- But you must not bend to put it on the platform?
- Mm ... maybe you're right ... I have to study it better ...
- Look, you have two minutes, two for me?
- Tell me ... how serious you are! You should laugh a little 'more ...
- Listen ... subject: Ferrari!
- Oh my God why do you not laugh ... poor guy ...
- What do you know?
- Do not know much, sorry ... I am away from issues economic as much as he was far from typical of our creativity researchers. We met only when we had to do the cost-benefit analysis to find and often I saw my only his overs, as the case or the Cenci Bettini ...
- I do not even know personally?
- I do not personally know anyone in here Alfredo ... you know how ... I'm a bit like a 'introverted, creative ... in short, a bit 'strange ... even when the two directors have problems with the production and require design changes do not come from me, but range from Racal or Stefani, my two carry-overs ... I tend to be antisocial ...
- Oh well ... I do not help then six ...
- But wait ...
- Yes?
- Earlier this year, Ferrari had come to me to talk to me ...
- For what?
- I asked what would happen if a certain game product line craft had been built following a slightly different that I had brought him ...
- And you said what you had?
- I told someone that if I was able to do so I would have kissed ... certain things can be done only with high precision machinery ...
- I do not understand ...
- It was producing some games with half the material that we had the certificate, coupon, such as strips of wood in half and using them as the "weakest" ...
- And you could?
- Sure, but put nails and anything else you needed equipment then, why would you hand smashed the board was thin as ... and then there was! Became dangerous: the games were intended for the market 2-4 years, and then there was the risk of rupture and were swallowed by children. I told him not to even think about transferring the production chain dall'artigianale standard to save half of the material ...
- And what did he say?
- That had not thought about him ...

Section 9

Alfred Angelo Semeraro looked straight at me with a seriousness and a ferocity that few times he was out. But he was tired of beating about the bush. For days revolved around the story he could not rebuild and finally half an hour before Anita had explained all about the material given to the artisans in the recommended amount higher than actually needed, with high waste on the production line craft, and on attempts to use the same amount of material to produce twice as many games, taking home a big security risk.

Semeraro had confirmed what Anita had told him and brought him all the evidence. He remained for half an hour to read that report and in the end he shouted: - Claraaa, Clara, please call my office immediately Galli, Riboldi, Cenci and Pasquini. Everyone here now, whatever they are doing! - Then he approached the water cooler, took a glass and had twice filled and drank sparkling fresh water in the plastic cup.

The first to appear was Anita, who became very frightened in the room, waving both its directors and timidly sitting on the chair with his hands on his knees and a straight spine. Shortly after they arrived together Galli and Pasquini, laughing at some jokes that were exchanged in the hallway and after about ten minutes came Riboldi, which froze on the entry team all participants, including Anita, who was definitely out of place compared to the directors of forefront. Wrinkled her nose, but you threw it at the door and went down.

- now I want to get to the truth. I want to discover what is behind the death of Ferrari. I explained? Anita please ... tell me what he just found out and told me.
- Sure doctor. Well, we loaded twelve years history of producing artisan ...
- How the fuck you're allowed to touch my data and who gave them to you provided? - Stood visibly irritated Riboldi.
- Calm down, Mario ... I always forget that even as head of IT I have access to all databases ... - Semeraro said quietly from his corner.
- Mario, you sit and listen composed as everyone else - the filming Alfredo.
- No, no I'm sitting ... you went to put my nose into things and I do not even have warned ... - Riboldi retorted, hoping thus to shift interest in access to data that were reserved.
- Se-du-to. How do I have to say? Do not have your data ... They are given the company, right? - Alfred and intervened before that statement Riboldi could only sit down again. - Please Anita, go ahead and apologize for the interruption - visibly irritated Riboldi turned in his chair with his back all'interlocutrice.
- Good. We've loaded this data and we found that for about eight years out of fifty artisans under contract there are fifteen receiving the same amount of material but are producing products for the other half. Then there are ten others who receive the same amount of material to be when they signed the contract and have managed to produce double the number of products, generating twice as many turnovers. Please note that for twenty-five during the same period, partly because of changes in the designs of products, the costs have increased: there was the need to increase slightly the base material so that the production be in line with the drawings and safety standards.
- It will be good ones that produce more than half price, no? Maybe it got to the other poor material el'hanno had to change ...
- Shut up, damn it Riboldi, or I'll hunt! - Alfredo disagreed - please ...
- these twenty-five craftsmen have abnormal with us a contract that was written shortly after taking a production manager of Dr. Mario Riboldi ...
- shorty, what do you suggest?
- Mario, stop ... I swear I will dismiss you immediately ... Go ahead ... Anita
- These suppliers had been earlier rejected by the Director because it does not meet standards of safety in production or stole the material.
- Good ... Galli, Ferrari wants to repeat what she had come to ask for some 'time ago?
- Yes .. I had asked if we could use half of the material needed to produce a game to produce two and I had recommended him.
- Semeraro ... the floor is yours ...
- Some time ago, Ferrari had come to tell me that there was something wrong with the sales of handicraft production. The cost increases were the strange, the turnover was not regular. It was the period in which it was decided to incorporate these costs from the parent to us and so we wanted to see clearly ...
- What to do? Why we paid them parent?
- Why were the first on a service company to which we rely, which is then merged with the parent. With it incorporates all the associated costs and we have lost control ... We have just started to clean up ... remember that I had talked about you ... yes I told you that we should review together the budget ...
- Yes. remember ... and then popped out the flaws ... - The anticipated Alfredo.
- What flaws! - Shouted Riboldi - you're making it up!
- Mario Quiet, please. Another word and I'll knock out of this meeting also ... - Alfredo silenced him - more ...
- Yes .. here it was then that I asked Ferrari to set up a model to analyze the phenomenon. It is now clear what happens. You just need to understand how it happens ... but we stop here ... it's your turn to go back and understand ...
- Mario - Alfredo stopped him - the word for you ...

Mario got up, took a sheet of paper from the printer, scribbled something and handed it to Alfred walked towards the door. Alfred ran after him after reading the paper when he resigned, took a close by the arm and brought him back inside. - Now we explain ...

- Okay ... I brought in my acquaintances. Some are good craftsmen, others are just friends. We used to deliver the material to the good ones who then cut off and used it to build twice as many games. The material is not used then resold it to another factory of games and have pocketed the money and I them. Not all games were sold products but ... some broke down just before returning in factory packaging or in packaging. So in the face of high costs of production, we could not increase revenue. It 'only for those errors that Ferrari has found ... but that's where Angelo does santerello but he knew ... he had been under me for two years and gave me a hand ... then he changed his mind ...

- You're a pig ... - Addressed him Angelo.
- Ah, yes ... made against you only because I fucked your wife ... force tell everyone ... you are a cuckold, that's what you ...
- Bastardo - Angel stood up and began to strike, when Alfredo is interposed between the two and brought Mario into a corner.
- Why he killed himself, Mario?
- was personally came to my office to ask why those figures ... I had spoken and I had laughed in the face ... I threatened to pull him in if he had not the right game ... when these costs were transferred to the company's services, he had signed all the papers that were inside the CEO to define the scope of the sale. It would be easy enough and credible ... would you believe me or him?
- Good ... I think now we can go ... - Interrupted Alfredo - Anita, please stop for a moment. She also Semeraro ...

Gradually all left the room. Anita and Angelo sat. Alfredo revolved around the desk and when he looked up he saw that Mario Riboldi stood in the doorway. She looked at him and said
- Sure, go too Mario. His resignation was accepted. Dr. Pasquini will take direction only, and are sure he will do better than you. I'll talk to the parent ... it is likely that we will meet again in court ...
- Ma .. -
- Go ... is better! While Mario

closed the door, smiling Anita Alfredo looked and winked at Semeraro.
- Anita was lovely, I can tell him?
- Doctor ...
- Listen, bring himself to take the place of Dr. Ferrari?
- But I ...
- Dr. Semeraro seems to have a dishonorable past but seems that we have also largely rescued ... Angelo has the experience to guide the first time ... I am sure will carry on the team with the same competence of the manager who has gone before ... If she feels?

Anita and then watched Alfredo Angelo, folded his hands on his knees, he shrugged and smiled: - Yes, I'm sure I'll ...


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