Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Wedding Seating Chart Design

CIO 'bothers me BERLUSCONI ...

Mind you, that Berlusconi failed to fulfill some promises, and not just election is a fact. Exemplified by the reform of the justice of which he speaks since 1994, when it was down in the field, but who has never taken seriously despite having had moments when he could do it. But otherwise, the government has also made important things such as just in brief mention the fight against organized crime and the evidence offered in good management of the economic crisis that has seen get in trouble even Obama's America, as evidenced by the beating of Midterm Election receipt.

But the merit goes to Berlusconi is acknowledged surely have prevented the communists (or whatever they're called now because the name change at every rustle of foliage) to take power in Italy and the fascists have somatized, embedding Till he could. Of course, these two operations could not be definitive, assuming that in politics there is something definitive.
The Left has left the DC government for decades, while preparing to seize power dealing with universities, the judiciary, ganglia of the State, trade unions, local governments and the media: in short, the real power in Italy. When everything was ready and demolished after the Christian Democrats with the crucial work of the judiciary red, opened its jaws to take a gulp of Italy. It 'was at this point that Berlusconi spoke, so new for them, they took him and treated him like a speck. With the tenacity that once was the strength of the left, continued over the past fourteen years on the same rigamarole, never change: to demonize an opponent.
Berlusconi With this weapon of the left did not work because it backfired up to cause annihilation. The grain of sand is over between Berlusconi's complex and well-oiled gears of the left, eventually derail the path to power in Italy. The rest of the story you know: the left continues to foolishly try to demonize the enemy, continuing to sink into the mud that it generates itself in an obsessive way. We have tried the red magistrates, the most deserving of which are then candidates for the House or the Senate. They tried leaders of the caliber of Occhetto, D'Alema, Prodi, Veltroni, Franceschini and now Bersani, ending just to slide lower and lower.
The last battle against Berlusconi, in chronological order, is the sign of a moralism that part of a fair criticism to some casual habits of the premier, to sink again into the ridiculous for the characters that stand champions of morality and their exaggeration. It seems clear that going to hell (metaphorically not, unfortunately) and make telephone calls concerned the favor of some bitch is something that could be avoided or at least be done with more discretion, which is not in the strings of Prime Minister, who claims the absolute immunity of its privacy.
make him worse than his opponents for these escapades that call for even a government crisis. A ridiculous claim, because the prime minister goes to hell is not edifying, but for this you want to send to hell the whole Country is a non-admissible. Just as the use of judges as the old Boccassini, in the absence of any criminal offense is ridiculous. Finally
that morality to make people like Berlusconi, Fini and its adventurous vicissitudes estate along with the brother in law, not to mention Nichi Vendola, the new flagship of the left, living with a Canadian ('Azzi her ...) that had a Republic to declare that "we must give children the right to have their sexuality, to have relationships among themselves and with adults, or which to launch his arrows and Di Pietro, with its casual use of public funds to his party, all this is doomed to failure. What
bothers me, to return to the title of today is the need to discuss with those who push for these little characters of our politicians for the saviors of the country, using arguments that the destinies of the country have nothing to share. Berlusconi is not the only one who goes to whores, but I believe there are millions who do, without raising many casinos, except for a small minority of idiot. That's not to be confused with the idiot is the invitation that I address to Berlusconi.
But I fear that we do not do anything. He has done so and was held not going to change, and I, even though sometimes I break the counter to give my vote to fail as Fini, Bersani, Vendola, and Di Pietro Casini not think so. The need Berlusconi to vote I have not created them, so now pay for the consequences.

JOHN Agretti


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