Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How To Play Poptropica


Tomorrow, the Council of Ministers addressing the reform of justice.
opposition reaches some tentative signals of openness to dialogo.Non's no illusion, but no better than usual in advance. On the barricades remain to judges, magistrates or better those who want to continue in politics as well as their own business . Today we publish a mailing list of judges, ie the system e-mail where the robes are exchanged views and agreed steps away from prying ears. What you read on our pages is staggering. The exchange of emails shows not only a climate of hatred against the political majority, the Parliament, the robes more moderate. There are indeed some evidence that prosecutors have targeted Silvio Berlusconi as a person, regardless of offense . These gentlemen are political, they want to interfere with the legislature, and most importantly during office hours, as reflected in the printed messages exchanged.
does indeed see a judge to call the prime minister "the Uncle Berlusconi" derogatory tone and address the problem that once made him out will examine the problem of his constituents , that twelve millions of Italians that the Head of the Judiciary evidently considered fools and perhaps even dangerous criminals.
But what political independence: there is a part of the magistrates in the secrecy of mail and not just throw the mask, so it is said that more than one concerned about the coldness of some friends from the left, ie the member majority.
togate more people then you are putting in private agreement to hinder and thwart the free activity of the Parliament. If they were not judges, are liable to prosecution and criminal association secret from their colleagues who see conspiracies everywhere . Unfortunately it is not an exaggeration, I know something those unlucky ended up in these ridiculous hours in the investigation of a mysterious P4, alleged subversive lobby, for which yesterday were searched the offices of financier Francesco Micheli. I know something I, for writing an article on the president of Confindustria, Emma Marcegaglia, I found myself interrogated and searched.
would be horrible, but interesting, search homes and offices of those judges so openly biased against Berlusconi and gravitates against any person in the center. Maybe you will find that are not so independent as claimed, who lost the minimum requirements to play one of the crafts on which stands a civil society. That is quell'imparzialità that guarantees citizens the right to be judged on the basis of certain facts, proved beyond a reasonable doubt and not the wave of theorems and political prejudices.
Tomorrow we will know what the intension of the Government. We only hope that, unlike what we have seen in these 18 years of the Second Republic, this time the ads will follow the facts.


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