Thursday, March 3, 2011

Silver King Blue Max Price


Pier Luigi Bersani, last week, went to "Radio Padania" to say that the Northern League is not is racist. Too bad the week before Nicola Zingaretti, president of the Province of Rome, had said that racism League is comparable to that of apartheid South Africa , and Finocchiaro leaguers that are racist 24 carat, so pure.
policy, made only of convenience, and tactical ambiguity and no principle, could reduce the lows of the authority who should exercise leadership and influence voters.
In this context, very worrying for the progressives, the only comforting news is from Naples for 10 years, disastrous for the city \u200b\u200band its image in Italy and abroad, woman Rosetta Jervolino left Palazzo San Giacomo to devote himself, at last, to his family. It 's over the Sindacatura student of Oscar Luigi Scalfaro and ended with the axis Don Antonio Bassolino.


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