Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mis Quince Primaveras Wholesale

Katherine Pancole - The slow waltz turtles

"You can lower your eyes to those who love us, but you can lower your eyes to those who want to"

The Plot: really know if a yellow-eyed crocodile has eaten or not her husband Antonio, who died in Kenya, for Josephine is no longer important. With money earned from sales of its best seller, left Courbevoie, in the Paris suburbs for a chic apartment in chic Passy. Instead, his sister Iris, who had attempted to attribute the writing of the novel, ended up paying the folly of their deception in a clinic for people with depression. Now free, always shy and unhappy, attentive spectator of wacky comedy and sometimes hostile offer that his new neighbors, Josephine seems in search of love. Sleep on the youngest daughter Zoe, tormented and rebellious teenager, and sees the success of the ambitious eldest daughter Hortense, who lives in London is launching a career as a fashion designer. Until the day when a series of murders destroys the serenity of his middle-class neighborhood, and she escapes to a little aggression.

My comment: A book "sparkling", with an unexpected final, where Josephine is the undisputed queen of the scene, surrounded by many characters, each with its own characteristics: the insensitive Iris - her sister, Henriette terrible mother, her friend Shirley and her son Gary, his daughters Zoe and Hortense , its false and true love - Luke and Philippe.
Rejoice, emotion, intrigue and surprise at the end.



"Joséphine relied on his life because he sends them clues, ideas, details that would turn into stories. That was how he wrote his first book. Keeping your eyes wide open to the world. By listening, observing, smelling . It 's so that you get older. aging when we lock up, we refuse to see, to feel, to breathe.'s life and writing often go hand in hand. "

"And what do you do when love digging a hole in the heart, a hole so big that it seems a burst of shrapnel, so big that you can see the sky through? He wondered Josephine going appointment with Luca. Who would tell me what it feels for me? I dare not tell him I love him, I fear that too strong an expression. I know that in my saying that I love is the question of whether he loves me, that I dare not utter for fear of seeing him get away with his hands in the pockets of Montgomery. A woman in love is to force a woman uneasy, painful? [...] My misfortune is that I can not be light in love. I would throw myself to the man's neck that I love, but I get so scared that I offer humbly to scare the face because you should give a kiss. I love him in secret. When I looked up at me in the act catches my eye, I tune in unison with his mood. I get the love that he wants me to be. I inflamed a distance, but as it approaches, I control. [...] How do you do when feelings overflow? If one expresses them ill get the opposite effect, when a flower has to offer, it gives them with the corolla at the bottom and the stem to the air, if not the recipient sees only thorns and there is evil. I do so with the sentiments, I offer it upside down. "

" The squeezed him, seeking his mouth as if to bite her. The kiss was brutal, imperious, pushed her against the door of the oven hot, Jo wanted to release, Philippe plaque, the forced her mouth, as if trying fumbled a little 'of stuffing, a little' of the stuffing that Jo had mixed with his fingers, as if he licks his fingertips mix the filling, the taste of prunes that filled mouth, salivation, Philippe, groaned Jo, Philippe oh! The retreats, buried his mouth in his. So much time, Jo, so much time ... and laid them on the white apron, the crumpled, pulled up, pushed her against the oven door, penetrated the mouth, entered the neck, pushed aside the white blouse, caressing the warm skin, down with the fingers on her breasts, leaned her mouth on every inch of skin captured the shirt, the apron, put an end to days and days of torture that call waiting. [...] It was then that a kiss? "It was like in the books, when the earth opens up into two, and the mountains crumbled, and he signed with the flower to die on your lips, that force that rose from the floor and made her forget her sister, her two daughters in the lounge, the tramp with the scarred face on the tape, the sad look of Luke, to hurl it into the arms of a man. [...] "I am full of ten and a half minutes of great, great happiness . Will I see the film of this kiss, and I will do. Crush play, stop, rewind the film, kiss in slow motion, stop, rewind, kiss in slow motion .... "

"There was a religious fervor in his way to surrender to love. As if struggling because in the midst of the rubble of the world, remains the light between the two bodies making love and love really do not mimic the gestures and positions. A spark that turns a simple body and rubbing of the skin in a burning brazier. That thirst for absolute might scare him, but Philippe did not ask for nothing but drink at its source. The future has a taste of the lips of a woman. They are the conquerors, they are the ones that move the borders. We are ephemeral youths who are sent into their lives as extras, but the main role in them. I'm okay, Philippe is said breathing the scent of Josephine, I want to learn how to love her. In the past I have loved a beautiful picture book. I hunger for other readings. To love as we start the adventure. Any man who thinks he knows what happens in the mind of a woman is a fool and an ignoramus. Or pretentious. He would never have believed that she would come looking for him in de hors of an English pub. But ... was placed in front of him. He wanted to know. Women always want to know. "

" I'm so happy, I would take a gull, whisper my secret to your ear, and that he flown all the way up in the sky "

"It should always be the case when one loves. Without conditions. Non-judgmental. Without established criteria, preferences. I was not enough, is not it? Are not enough. Never, never, never enough ... This thing has ruined my childhood, ruined my life as a woman and is preparing to sabotage my love .. [...] Do not be cured by having a mother who does not love you. Dig a large hole in the heart of love and we want to fill it! Did not get enough, you always doubted himself, we tell ourselves that we do not deserve love, which are not worth a split zero.


"No, he told himself, feeling attacked from sleep in the midst of working to find a solution, it takes me away, a new husband. Richer, stronger, more important than Philippe. A great husband . What surprised me, I subdue, before whom I kneel like a girl. That takes my life to hand me back in the flow of the world. What has money, relationships, important dinners. I'm still beautiful. As soon as I get out of Here, again become the beautiful and magnificent Iris. "

"I'm afraid Jo, I knew that I fear ... [...] Money is not never made me happy. E ' strange, if you think about. All you have to do to give more money and so is not that the world is better or that people are better. You see them whistling down the street, you? No. With the money, you're never satisfied. That there is always someone else who has more than us. Maybe you're right, there is only love that can really give a feeling of fullness. But as you learn to love? You know, you? Everybody talks about it, but nobody even knows what it is. You repeat continually that we must love, love, but where can you learn? Explain, "" self-forgetfulness, "murmured Josephine.

"What do I care? This man taught me love. I train from a distance. A shiver of pleasure the cracks between his legs and curled up because it continued to burn in the belly. So, is this love? This striking wound it makes me want to die ... This delightful expectation that we no longer know who we are and we send the docile head, to get us through the reins, blindfolding, lead to the pole of self. I will go to the extreme with him. I will ask him for forgiveness for insulting him. He tried to get me perched on the path of love, and I stepped on the foot like a spoiled child. Demanded an oath, a kiss, and he made me entering a sacred precinct. I did not realize anything. "

" O, ye wandering stars, erratic thoughts, I beg you, go away, let me speak to the beloved, let the benefit of his presence! You are my joy, you are my happiness, you are my joy, you're my good morning. You are mine, I'm yours forever and will be so! Tell me, my beloved, why did you let my soul I tried for so long, so ardently, not allowed to find? I I've searched through the night's enjoyment of this world. I crossed the mountains and fields, like a senseless horse without a bridle, but eventually you I found and rest, happy, peace, light on your breast - Henry Suso, 1300-1366. "


"The emotion was a luxury she could not afford. Every time I was about to succumb, blocking everything. Clicks, clack, closed access to the ears. This continues to be helpful in itself. It remained her best friend. It 's the problem with the emotions. You sabotage. We reduce to pieces. You fall in love, and suddenly you find too fat, too thin, her breasts too small, too heavy, too high, too low, too high with his nose, his mouth is too thin, yellow teeth, greasy hair, silly, sticky, silly, someone who talks too much, that an evil laugh, a wetsuit. You're not your best friend. [...] Then he had learned. To stop the sweating, to stop the tears, the square block of chocolate that would have made an ounce of grease, to block the sebaceous gland that would be transformed into pimple, candy what would become cavities. Blocked all access of emotion. The girl who wanted to be her friend, the boy and tried to kiss her back. He did not want to take any risks. Every time he threatened to let go, he thought about face drenched with sweat dripping sweat of his father, and emotion is suddenly stopped. Then woe to those who told her that looked like his mother! It was like calling into question the work of his whole life. "

" I'm not made of steel, are a person with emotions, feelings, they said, with amazement serious who has always believed invincible and suddenly discovers a flaw in the luminaire. I allow myself ten minutes of rest and then again wield the weapons. It was always agree with itself to say that emotions cause serious harm to health. "

Shirley and Gary

" - Women are so pragmatic! Think of the special, advanced mute with an implacable logic, you organize your life. Why am I the only girls who know exactly where they want go, what they want to do as they do ... do do do! They just have this word in your mouth!
- Maybe it's because we are embedded in all the time. Impastato, wash, iron, sew, cook, clean or defend ourselves from the dead hands of men: Do not dream, indeed!
- We, we ...
- not the same! Fourteen years after her period and we have no choice. We must come to terms. At eighteen we understand that very soon we will have to fight twice more than a man, work twice as hard, if we want to exist. In the following we children, we take them in her womb for nine months, give us the seasick, kicking, tearing us coming into the world, yet more practical details! Then you have to wash them, feed them, dress them, weigh them, put the cream on her ass. DO not ask questions, and most importantly we do the rest. Hours worked by day, belly dancing for the Man in the evening. We are continuously undertaken to do, there will be few girls who live in the clouds, with the nose in the air! You do one thing: men do! The instruction manual is written for ages in your genes, you do it effortlessly. We have to fight all the time ... we end up becoming pragmatic, as you say! "

" Shirley was not at home when it was the love life of her son. When he was a child talk about everything. For girls, Tampax, desire, love, beard that grows, the masterpieces of literature and books from two soldiers who had seen the film in slow motion and film-trash, disk and hard to dance to relax, recipes, cooking, age of the wine of life after death and the role of fathers in the life of a boy who did not know his father. They had grown up together, hand in hand, had shared a secret heavy, facing dangers and threats, without losing solidarity. But now ... He was a man with hair all over, two Braccioni, two big feet, a deep voice. It was almost intimidated. No longer dared to ask questions. Preferred when speaking of himself without that she would ask him anything. "

Emc Seymour Plaza Prices

Buffon and PATACCARI!

What follows is the article published today by the Spying Concita of Gregory on his newspaper L'UNITA 'to comment on some photos passed off as pictures of Berlusconi HARD:
"Villa San Martino, Arcore, the residence of the President Berlusconi. On the morning of October 24, 2010 at 4:44 am, July 12 at 1 and 48, Aug. 23, just a few of the many evenings bunga-bunga according to investigations of Milan prosecutors. We see an unmade bed in a room with furniture and curtains and antique tapestries, the library photos of a young Silvio Berlusconi, the bare legs of a girl (the same Barbara Guerra) lying watching a television screen; of Sapphic kisses three girls who mimic the intimate scenes, Barbara Guerra squeezed in a police uniform playing with a pair of handcuffs as if they were an erotic object, which is Lele Mora gym with a friend.
According to the documents filed for the process Ruby popping photos submitted by memories of the I-phone and Blackberry Barbara Guerra, Arisleida Espinosa, Ioana Visan, Concetta De Vivo, Iris Berardi, 33 five of the girls involved, According to the prosecution, in the prostitution ring that had as its background the home of the theme and Arcore bunga bunga. Evenings that had the story of two minors (Karima El Magrough Berardi and Iris) and were rewarded with a precise rate: two thousand euro for the participation, 5000 to the bunga-bunga, 7000, chosen for passing the night with the gentleman, the President called "Betty."
The investigators state that they attached to the file because the images documenting 'data relevant to the investigation. " Document that those evenings were not "ordinary meeting friends" as saying the prime minister. Or "social occasions" as repeated in the chorus girls in verbal defense. It proves that the charity's premier ("I'm like a Caritas') was the reward for sexual encounters."

Those photos, the newspaper, shows clearly the scandal of nights porn Arcore, are fake.
The girl dressed as a cop? It 's a photo taken in a nightclub in Milan during the Halloween party (where, as we know, there are disguises). The "bedroom" Berlusconi? Oh no, it's actually Lele Mora, his home in Milan, Viale Monza. Pictures of Lele Mora with the boy? There was also the wife with them.
So, what are we talking about? As usual nothingness. If not the usual obsessions of this left indecent and unworthy of this country.
And, of course, be careful: if you have your photos taken at Carnival with some strange disguise, destroy it immediately. Before the find the drive. Or Boccassini.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Science Poster Template Powerpoint

"I dream, I dream to realize that the Arabs have come here and Bossi has escaped to Switzerland, along with all the League " Dario For - Nobel Prize for Literature.

"If you have to be to get a Nobel, and touch so these high levels of intellectuality, we prefer to remain ignorant."

Dental Welcome Letters


arrested with the mallet in hand. It happened at a regional member of the Democratic Party in Sicily, Gaspare Vitrano who was stopped by police in Palermo on charges of extortion. The MP is accused of having received a bribe from a businessman in the alternative energy sector. It was locked, around 19, near a bar in the center of Palermo. Vitrano was found in possession of 10 000 € in cash. The money would have been delivered by a contractor photovoltaics. The deputy was arrested in flagrante delicto. The measure must be validated by the investigating magistrate within 48 hours. Lapidary remarks of Palermo's chief prosecutor Francesco Messineo: the arrest of the deputy regional Sicilian Gaspare Vitrano (Pd) demonstrates that "there is some interest in the field of photovoltaics, considered the new frontier economy '


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Boarding School Discipline 1

NO response to unfairness! Auntie

few days ago, we celebrated the woman. These days, as the feast of mom, Christmas, Easter and other festivities are expected by traders as an opportunity to give even a limited system to their economic accounts in this period are put to the test because of financial and economic crisis across our country.
Our dealers, even if the sharp reduction in revenues, they must always deal with many fixed costs such as TARSU, the tax on advertising, the eventual occupation of public space, l? ICI, not to mention IRPEF year-end economic and VAT payments.
Given all this, as usual, in connection with any public holiday collections are severely compromised because of unauthorized trading by non-Europeans are often not in good standing even with the existing rules on immigration.
Throughout the day on 8 March in the main crossroads of our community have seen many sellers of abusive mimosa, and even the Navy, they are placed between two florists that are located in Via Roma, thereby taking advantage of their position to meet the clientele of regular business.
No action of any kind on the part of our municipal government, nor by our policemen, who, with their utter absence not only cause economic damage to various businesses, are complicit in the racket, in this case the flower, which is behind this phenomenon, racket run by organized crime and the illegal hiring of illegal immigrants and immigrants.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Holographic Wills, Example

The smell of the world - Radhika Jha - By metro

I crawl blindly in the direction of the underground

finally are under the shelter of the station. The quay is crowded. And the smell does not bother anyone. The train comes screeching and the crowd pushes forward, took me with him in the train. Part of the signal, we close the doors and inside the train starts moving, picking up speed and enters the dark.

I look at the front door, there is a sticker with a familiar pink bunny with his paw stuck in the door. From the point where the leg is trapped thin black lines radiating pain. But the rabbit looks back over his shoulder, smiles and seductive. The separation is painful, but we must bear it with a smile. Perhaps it is natural to separate from those you love, if you want to live a life moving. Perhaps the choice is between love and movement. I think immediately Olivier. I waited patiently for dinner. But I'm trapped in a tunnel of eternal movement. Farewell Olivier, sadly whisper to myself, I fell out of your world. Inside the cab the false light of day smiles eternally.

The train speeds up and slows down along the curve at the entrance of the station. Enter a puppeteer. I sigh and look around. The other passengers have turned his eyes elsewhere. The puppet does not seem to notice. He bends down, pulls out a cloth of black velvet and hung between two poles of the carriage. Then pulls out a camera and the old system in the middle the corridor. He disappears behind the curtain.

from above the tent is a puppet that sings out of tune in a folk melody. Passengers begin to murmur and shuffle your feet.

- Stop with this boredom! - A man cries
You heard the man, Patrick eh - a second puppet appears that the first strikes on the head - and your song is terrible.

I look surprised.

- Alou Ahmed - the first answer - what else can I do. I have nothing to do. - The rest of the words are covered by the sound of a train that passes by side.
- What is it? - Calls second puppet
- A train
- No. You're wrong. It is not a train, is war.
- And you're crazy - take Patrick. No more no war now. The United States protect us

Someone laughs.

- I tell you I know the sound, it is the war
- Are you sure? And how do you know? He told you God? It 's your best friend?
- I know because ... - Jump to another train. The puppet falls, frustrated. - Merde, putain de train, me fait chier, I can not think

Some girls sneer for the obscenities.

- What? You think?
- Of course I think!
- What's the point? Someone pays you to think?
- Nooo. But I like it. I'm good at thinking.
- Mad. You can not be good if no one pays you. Nobody pays me to do something - the car falls silent: listening to all the puppeteer.
- Well, then you are free to make money. Want to make money?

Before you can answer the other puppet, a heavy masculine voice rumbling behind me: - Everyone wants to make money, but without working

I turn it is a bear of a man, imposing, with gray hair. Behind him is a group of six men, all with yellow helmets work.

- You know how to make money? - Asks the first puppet.
- Naturally
- You can not. You are Arab
- What do you know? My people was made up of traders before they know your count
- Balls. Your people ... all crooks. And anyway, what's your plan?
- My plan is simple and elegant. We send requests to the government saying that because there are not enough jobs, we create for ourselves ourselves work, but we need capital. So what I propose is that we give a certain sum to start our business
- Why should they?
- Why then should no longer pay any social benefits, reduce some taxes. You will see, they'll like, give anything.

me laugh, a cynical laugh, though.

- I like to take the monthly check. It makes me feel French - says the first puppet

Passengers laugh. But I can not join them.

- Do not be stupid, you can be independent, it is better to be French - says the second puppet

But to be independent must first be French, I think with bitterness. I look at the faces around you: they do not know.

- You can not - says Patrick - I am stupid. That's why I was kicked out of school. I can not think of anything that has not already been thought.

The audience laughs again. I look at them and envy is added to the anger at the puppeteer.

- Do not worry - the second puppet says proudly - I can help. I have lots of ideas - I see - Pour toi. Lavage-â-main - says

A moment of silence and the audience bursts out laughing. When the laughter subsided, Patrick says

- A laundry washing clothes by hand? What's good?
- Some people prefer to washing machine, it is more natural.
- You are a donkey. Go - Look ahead and start singing out of tune
- You're wrong - insists Ahmed - Believe me, I studied the market
- You know nothing - Patrick cries, almost in tears - you're just as good for nothing me. You know why the rich pay my mother? Wash them for their beautiful things in their apartments

Ahmed takes a leap back. - Why did not you tell me what your mother? - He pretends to think, his hand under his chin. - But your mother, what does with her clothes dirty after it has finished wash the dirty clothes of others?

- It has a washing machine - met Patrick responds

The audience laughs. Without realizing it, whether I join the group.

- Why did not you say that your mother has a washing machine - asks Ahmed
not you asked - answered Patrick crabby
- OK, not we enter into the personal. You use your washing machine to start a real laundry
- I can not. I can not use the washing machine. It does my mother always

Ahmed is exasperated slaps his leg. - So forget the washing machine. How does your mother with the rich in Paris, you can hand wash the clothes of the neighboring

- Ma?
- Nothing but ... - Ahmed said firmly - We believe the people who know it better than them. Better and cheaper, on a large sign. Lined up outside the door.
- but the neighbors know me. That's why I hide here - complain Patrick

Our laughter rises in unison. A gray-haired woman, her face marked by fatigue, I catch the eye. We look and smile.

- Are you a politician? - Calls of a sudden Patrick Ahmed - Because if you are, you'd better go and leave me alone. I do not vote
- I'm not a politician. I am an animateur des emploi

Patrick looks confused. Then giggle derisively. - What kind of job is this? I've never heard!

Ahmed keeps his attitude sure - does not matter - he says so arrogant - they are the first in a long tradition that opens to the future - Raise the arm as a priest - I will create jobs for all

- Are you? - Yells someone in the audience, snorting in disbelief. - Not even the government and big business can do.
- That's why great managers and bureaucrats are so large and important enough not to bow to look for cracks
- For fear of being fucked from behind - adds someone from the audience. Ahmed bends over slowly with a hand on your ass and looking back in fear. The entire carriage applauded frantically

The train stops suddenly in the middle of the tunnel. A voice announces that something happened in the next station. The puppets discuss the possible cause for the delay. But I do not watch anymore. I dream of a restaurant, my restaurant, immersed in the smells that I created. The train begins to move. I'm in the kitchen of Olivier, our kitchen, heated by stoves and vapor, where the smell is lost in my perfume when we make love.

back to the present, his mind still wanders into the abyss. Our car is crowded. There are people standing in the aisles. I look at the wall of bodies, the temperature rises and air compartment becomes smelly. Suddenly you drift into the crowd and see a small man, almost bent double. The hair falling over his forehead and greasy and cover practically the face, eyes that seem fixed on an invisible point just above the floor. Swing arms forward in moves that seem to spring not from a given direction with a train without feet, and the apathy with which sings the cry of the beggar. A shadow falls on the coach. The others stare, and then turn around, uncomfortable or irritated. Only the group of workers remains impassive. Moving and keep talking. Sending them because they can ignore the beggar. I can not. I see that is coming and I feel superstitious fear: I know it's my destiny. Now it's in front of some young people who stare at him blankly. One of them puts a coin in the hand dangling. He continues beyond three teenage girls and accidentally strikes the arm against the leg of one of the three. She cries, and look the other man in anger. The beggar turns around quickly, does not meet anyone's eye, and again repeated: - Merci. In the confusion, falls in the group of workers. This time notice it.

- Fait attention, merde - explodes the fat key
- Vaurien , villain - he adds another, scolding the beggar. A third man, the youngest of the group, with a face like a mouse, remove the hand of the beggar with a slap. The few coins fly off and fall to the floor. The beggar will sound and bend knees.

The foreman looks down and then look at the black curtain of the puppet. - Why collect that money? - Says, bending and grasping the beggar the hair: - You have not done anything to earn it, not the merits.

I feel my chest tighten the tension and return down the bile that grows in my throat. I look at the face of the beggar is soft, wrinkled, seems almost eaten by rats. The eyes are even worse: deeply embedded in his skull, with no expression, dead, surrounded by dark circles. They are crazy eyes, empty, and look inside.

The foreman mercilessly pushes the beggar into the puppeteer. - Look over there - he says to his companions, - here is an example of a job. Would it find another place? No. He is out of work for a reason, because it is not useful. Then a few excuses, get your puppets and get out of here

hold my breath. The coach is totally immobile.

- Talk about me? - Ahmed says in a choked voice - I'm not unemployed. I am an employee of the unemployed. One day you'll come to me. There are always jobs for the pigs, these days
- What? - Warms up the key - you called me pig?

Ahmed pretending to retreat in terror, her legs trembling: - Of course not, Monsieur. Pigs are useful animals. Provide us with food.

The girls start laughing, and so the other passengers. The face of the foreman, visibly angry, becomes purple. And almost hear a gnashing of teeth as they race against the black curtain, grabbing his head and smiling cheeky Ahmed.

Just then the train stops suddenly. The foreman loses his balance and stumbles into the camera, clinging to the curtain. Falls heavily, bringing the curtain and the puppets. The puppet master looks down and starts to help him, but the foreman pulls the spit. More workers: looks killers. Instinctively I grabbed the arm of the puppeteer and I try to drag him away. I hear a roar and the sound of something that is broken, as the metal hits the floor.

I look back. The workers in the rescue of their leader furious revenge themselves on the camera still, which was still filming. We jump over content, making it to pieces with heavy boots.

- Go to hell - screaming puppeteer - That's my camera
- Right. We will do that to you next time - and says the key to pieces with his teeth Ahmed.

In a fit of anguish the puppeteer is launched against him. The big key hits him like a fly. The showman falls to his knees. Surround him and start hitting him, kicking him, and meanwhile es'incoraggiano shouting at each other, I hurled against them, and I crouched over the puppeteer. We kicked. I hear shots in the back, head, face. The puppeteer, below me, is stationary. Then I hear someone shouting, telling the men to stop, says he does not hit a woman.

Suddenly shots are stopped. A stranger makes me sit down. The other passengers form a protective circle around us. - Let me help - says a voice rose - You okay? The port in the hospital? - A hand is extended toward me. I reject and I move slowly in the hallway, carrying the puppeteer. I followed reluctantly, moaning and struggling to dodge imaginary blows.

Just then the train stops and the doors open. We jump down. The puppeteer keeps complaining: - Arrêt , my purse, my puppet! - I look at the crowd on platform. The workers are crowded at the entrance of the coach, undecided whether to continue or remain in the hunt. Stare through the windows, make threatening gestures: - We will find, do not worry - says one of them with a movement of the lips. Finally the whistle sounds to start. The doors close and the train moves, leaving the dock and watch, and one after the other, the carriages pass booming.

Scorpion Clips Monica Roccaforte

The smell of the world - Radhika Jha - Dunkirk

I find a café, a small storm stirs me in the stomach. I open the door and am greeted by different voices, quiet conversations and discussions cry. The cafeteria is small and dark and around the bars are crowded of people, mostly men. The part where the dinner is empty except for a single person who sits in a corner near the window. I shows the next table and order a kir and a carafe of wine.

The man is so close I can almost touch it. She is eating a sausage. I look hungry. E 'coated skin stretched and transparent. The fork pierces the skin. The knife in his firm and the blue-veiled accounts for a net. The slice slips straight as an arrow in the mouth without lips, in the shade of a large protruding nose.

Champs. The floppy bangs long chin against the neck, making a small sound deep fat fat fat.

fascinated I lean forward, and our elbows touch.

- Excuse me - I go back and say
- please - the old man smiles - I can now talk

I look at him in surprise.

The smile widens: - You see, these are the human contacts. She touches me and now we can talk.

He reaches and touches my cheek voluntarily. - It 's great to get in touch with the people, especially young people. - I flinch, but also a little surprise 'alarmed. I do not want the weight of contact with this strange old man who turns casually to strangers.

- What did you think when you touched me? - Asks a friendly

The question catches me by surprise - I ... - the mind is empty - I forgot ... - I shake my head - It was not important.

- No, tell me, what was it? - Insists
- What is your fondest memory - ask for abruptly changing the subject

Man Sit back and think a few seconds.

- When I stayed with my wife for a year before marrying her - nodded to himself - yes those were the best years
- And after he married her, cos' happened?
- We have started a restaurant. I cooked, She served on the table and cleaned - looks around. - But it is always nice to stay in one place. You must travel, change of air.

She stares at me, his eyes intense. I nodded to encourage him.

- This trip, I go to many different restaurants, big, small, ugly, poor, and also enormous. I have three daughters. All good cooks. I encourage you to travel. In the town where I live, in the Alps, it withered by dint of not seeing nothing but cattle and ourselves. People are beginning to look like cows.
- Here, where comes my family, the cows are used to negotiate the wives - joke
- Really? - Puts it in his mouth and chew another piece of sausage. - Cows human. Maybe your people and mine, after all, are not so different. - Laughs loudly at the joke and raises his glass of wine. - Santé - drink to my health, tilting the glass in front of me. I take mine and I do the same. Suddenly the kir tastes better. I smile.

I look carefully, a strange smile on his lips. - But I bet you do not have cows lonely - he says, and chuckles with the air triumphant.

- What do you mean? - My smile hides a hint of irritation .- The cows are not lonely, are always part of a herd. - I drink a little 'of kir.
- The cows are always solitary human - he says with sadness - a new breed. Has not yet met, perhaps.

stretches to the jug of wine, empty. Him towards a bit 'of my own. Thanks me and takes a long sip. Then he starts talking, his voice low, barely audible above the noise of the bar.

- In the end the monotony becomes loneliness, and we wrap. Then the loneliness comes oblivion, and all is gray, more gray. There was a painter in our village. Every day mixing a drop of white paint with a touch of black, and painted a picture. Finally he placed in front of an old camera that had previously set up a tripod and take the photograph: he side of the picture. It was like this every day, every day and added a drop of white on the palette. At first the paintings were still black. Then changed: before dark gray and then, every day, the color began to lighten and the artist was surrounded by shades of gray stretch toward infinity. - Cut another piece of sausage. I finish the kir and start with the wine.
- And then? What is the end of the story? - I ask impatiently
- There is no end, there is always painting the same thing every day - just answers the old
- Oh - I am disappointed - Why then told me this story? - I ask roughly

He looks on their faces rapt. - Why? - And starts to giggle. - I do not know, I forgotten - He stops and coughs. After the cough is dry with a napkin tucked in front of the neck.

- easy to forget now. But I found a way to retrieve memories. In the right pocket of his jacket always cherish the receipts of the restaurants where I was in the left and the train ticket. My daughter Isabelle leaves me at the station of Martigny. I take a kir at the restaurant de la Gare, opposite the station. In this way mark the starting point of the trip. From then on, I keep receipts. And if the bill does not mention the name of the restaurant, I'll do write. So I know where they are is a very effective system.

I listen with envy. That old man was happier without memories. And perhaps he knew why he could talk freely with others, because they forget, as I forget and only remember the name of the restaurant.

ends the meal in silence, lost in his timeless world. Then suddenly he gets up and walks away. The plate is cleaned to perfection. The carafe of wine is empty. In between is the ticket, slightly dirty and already paid, with the restaurant's name written in clear characters. I grab the ticket and ride it out. - Sir - cry. But the wind blows away my words. The old man is swallowed by darkness.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Tomorrow, the Council of Ministers addressing the reform of justice.
opposition reaches some tentative signals of openness to dialogo.Non's no illusion, but no better than usual in advance. On the barricades remain to judges, magistrates or better those who want to continue in politics as well as their own business . Today we publish a mailing list of judges, ie the system e-mail where the robes are exchanged views and agreed steps away from prying ears. What you read on our pages is staggering. The exchange of emails shows not only a climate of hatred against the political majority, the Parliament, the robes more moderate. There are indeed some evidence that prosecutors have targeted Silvio Berlusconi as a person, regardless of offense . These gentlemen are political, they want to interfere with the legislature, and most importantly during office hours, as reflected in the printed messages exchanged.
does indeed see a judge to call the prime minister "the Uncle Berlusconi" derogatory tone and address the problem that once made him out will examine the problem of his constituents , that twelve millions of Italians that the Head of the Judiciary evidently considered fools and perhaps even dangerous criminals.
But what political independence: there is a part of the magistrates in the secrecy of mail and not just throw the mask, so it is said that more than one concerned about the coldness of some friends from the left, ie the member majority.
togate more people then you are putting in private agreement to hinder and thwart the free activity of the Parliament. If they were not judges, are liable to prosecution and criminal association secret from their colleagues who see conspiracies everywhere . Unfortunately it is not an exaggeration, I know something those unlucky ended up in these ridiculous hours in the investigation of a mysterious P4, alleged subversive lobby, for which yesterday were searched the offices of financier Francesco Micheli. I know something I, for writing an article on the president of Confindustria, Emma Marcegaglia, I found myself interrogated and searched.
would be horrible, but interesting, search homes and offices of those judges so openly biased against Berlusconi and gravitates against any person in the center. Maybe you will find that are not so independent as claimed, who lost the minimum requirements to play one of the crafts on which stands a civil society. That is quell'imparzialità that guarantees citizens the right to be judged on the basis of certain facts, proved beyond a reasonable doubt and not the wave of theorems and political prejudices.
Tomorrow we will know what the intension of the Government. We only hope that, unlike what we have seen in these 18 years of the Second Republic, this time the ads will follow the facts.

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Monday, March 7, 2011

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What a funny coincidence!

When, last November, the former Keeper of Giovanni Conso, statement before the Anti-Mafia Commission "was I not to renew the decrees 41a for 140 prisoners prison in Palermo "seemed to many to be the face of a bombshell. Many, but not all. In fact the free press and the news did not forcaiola certainly the emphasis it deserved.
But when in a brief interview, the beloved Don Tonino Di Pietro hurried to comment, with soft tones and benevolent, to believe in autonomy and in absolute good faith of the former minister and that absolutely no one could advance doubt, many (among them also some friends convinced DiPietro) we were even amazed!
What!? The executioner par excellence, the watchdog of legality, much less one who is willing to incite crowds to riot, This time, when the revelations are only the beginning, has already prepared the acquittal?
So we took the trouble of going to wipe a bit of history. Well, Giovanni Conso becomes Minister of Justice in '93, replacing Claudio Martelli. On that Claudio Martelli, decidedly in favor of renewing the 41 bis, and that along with Giovanni Falcone in '91 it had developed the first law on the collaborators of justice. Law which, on its claims of Judge Falcone, while guaranteeing full protection to employees, on the other punished with rigorous imprisonment (the so-called 41-bis), those who decided not to cooperate. Law that was putting in serious trouble Cosa Nostra. In fact, in a few months were so many people, just to escape the 41 bis, decided to "repent". So much so that finally arrived in January '93 to capture the Cape of Heads: Totò Riina!
But what happens at this point? In February '93, the Minister Martelli was forced to resign as investigated by the Pool in Milan. Look at the Pool in which case its time militated our dear Don Tonino. And instead of successor Conso Martelli, who today is to tell us candidly, after 17 years, which certainly did not renew the 41 bis, but acted "independently"!
In practice would have us believe that there was a drawing well-defined back, but that all happened almost by accident. And after the terrible massacres of Capaci and via D'Amelio, with the mob continued to put bombs around Italy, (Milan, Florence, Rome), with the state almost to his knees, the Minister decides to Conso not renew a 41 to 140 mobsters as something like that. Routine. Without that, that neither Scalfaro, Ciampi or are made aware of such a decision!
that we will be anthropologically different (or less?), But raccontatecene another, please!

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Friday, March 4, 2011

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The Shield of Talos - Valerio Massimo Manfredi

Talos, the lame, he grew up among the helots, after his father, the cruel law of Sparta, had fled. Brithos, the intrepid, was bred to be a warrior, a noble among nobles. Two brothers separated by law, the closer together through winding streets to the fate and are lined up side by side in the fight against the invading Persians.

To Order King, Brithos part of the battle of Thermopylae with Talos, his servant, and Aghias, another leader. Their task was to bring an important message to Sparta. The message is replaced with treason during the trip with an empty message. Brithos is accused of escaping from Thermopylae before the Persians killed all the soldiers who were at the front. After the suicide of Aghias, Brithos unable to bear the ignominy attempts suicide but is saved just by Talos.
Talos looked at him with a sad look:
Do you really know that life is the only thing I care? And how do you know about my life and that of my people? ... Do you know what ever serve in silence, bear the yoke like an animal every day, without hope of redemption? Hannno of us did not serve, but men, men like you ... and me. Tomorrow, perhaps even at this time, whole prosperous and free people are enslaved by the unstoppable force of the invaders. Men noble, proud, brave, like your father, like you, maybe. Of course, those born in chains do not know what is freedom, but also knows what courage. A courage that you can not even imagine. The courage to carry every day a heavier load without bending their backs, the courage to continue living for themselves, for loved ones. [...] Live, if you can, as you have been commanded, what do you survive in disgrace. Even a donkey to bear the lash without wailing. [...] Even the animals know clashing savagely to death and injury ... [...] But only one man can survive, to silence the cries of the heart, to stifle the pain, rebellion, anger, bringing shame on their shoulders, like a loathsome burden. You're covered with bronze, Brithos, but the skin that covers your bones vibrate known only as that of the drum which calls to battle. Have you ever cried, Brithos? Have you ever had eyes full of tears? The glory was taken from you and you're like a jar full of sand. [...] What's behind the armor, Brithos, what is it?

After conducting a fierce battle in command of the Helots against the Spartans wanted to overwhelm them, Talos away from the city's wife, Antinea, and the son
For many years there has arisen [...] kept separate when the last time I saw you disappear on the back of your ass, I wept bitterly because I was sure I never see you again but I found after risking their lives in the center sometimes distant places. We must hope, Antinea hope we'll meet again ... Sometimes the gods do not give us much comfort, but there is a force within us that does not allow that hope die, is the force that took me back to you by distant lands of Asia, from the wild solitudes of Thrace. I will always be with you, Antinea, and the small, but do not leave me alone to believe and hope. If you'll be sure to see me one day we will be together again, free to live happily to a peaceful old age and see our children's children grow stronger as young olive trees around us. In the midst of the storm is forgotten that the sun and there are fears that the darkness will rule the world but the sun still shines above the black clouds and its rays eventually open up a gap to bring light and life.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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10,000,000 signatures against Berlusconi

The PD announces that the goal was achieved!


Here are the latest signatures copied at 19:16 today.
at least have the good sense to put to rest all to no further disgraced.

Er Ointment

ROME 1 minute ago ROME

Felice Pantaleo
Cassano delle Murge, Bari 1 minute ago

Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy
Los Angeles, United States 1 minute ago

THE USUAL Patacca It is the LEFT

ROME, ROME 2 minutes ago

cast iron manhole
Albettone, VICENZA 2 minutes ago

Caprezzo, Verbano - Cusio - 2 minutes ago OSSOLA

Put Signatures where the sun never shines
LUCCA, LUCCA 2 minutes ago

claudio Dapol
Moncalieri, Torino 2 minutes ago

Giacomo Manzoni Milan, Milan 3 minutes
Giangiacomo Piripozzi
MILAN, MILAN 3 minutes ago

see that the names are all true

Seema Chilegge
Canosa di Puglia, Trani-Barletta-Andria 4 minutes ago

Antonio Terracciano
NAPOLI, NAPOLI 4 minutes ago

Naples, Naples 4 minutes ago

Angelo Fucci
Cautious, 5 minutes ago BENEVENTO

Augusto Pinochet Uriarte
Santiago, Chile 5 minutes ago

Pinocchio & Geppetto
CAGLIARI, CAGLIARI 5 minutes ago

Ciccio Bello
ARAGON, AGRIGENTO 5 minutes ago Countess Luigia

Carli Viendalmare
AZZANO D'ASTI, ASTI 5 minutes ago

Nicolo 'Ghedini
Locate di Triulzi, 6 minutes ago MILAN

THIS' a farce
Monte Carlo, Monaco 6 minutes ago

This initiative is a fucking
Scansano, Grosseto 6 minutes ago

Ivan sheds
ROME, ROMA 6 minutes ago

PD Go to earn a loaf
Albairate 6 minutes ago MILAN

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Farefuturo webmagazine, the cultural landmark of FLI closed, it is said, for lack of funds.
His demiurge Filippo Rossi , but continues the his work from the columns of a newspaper that certainly can not be defined on the right: the daily.
This enlightens us on what kind of new right dell'FLI want to build these.
You say right, but then they go hand in hand with Travaglio, Flores D'Arcais, Furio Colombo, and all the veteran Communist who work in the head ..

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Pier Luigi Bersani, last week, went to "Radio Padania" to say that the Northern League is not is racist. Too bad the week before Nicola Zingaretti, president of the Province of Rome, had said that racism League is comparable to that of apartheid South Africa , and Finocchiaro leaguers that are racist 24 carat, so pure.
policy, made only of convenience, and tactical ambiguity and no principle, could reduce the lows of the authority who should exercise leadership and influence voters.
In this context, very worrying for the progressives, the only comforting news is from Naples for 10 years, disastrous for the city \u200b\u200band its image in Italy and abroad, woman Rosetta Jervolino left Palazzo San Giacomo to devote himself, at last, to his family. It 's over the Sindacatura student of Oscar Luigi Scalfaro and ended with the axis Don Antonio Bassolino.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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CIO 'bothers me BERLUSCONI ...

Mind you, that Berlusconi failed to fulfill some promises, and not just election is a fact. Exemplified by the reform of the justice of which he speaks since 1994, when it was down in the field, but who has never taken seriously despite having had moments when he could do it. But otherwise, the government has also made important things such as just in brief mention the fight against organized crime and the evidence offered in good management of the economic crisis that has seen get in trouble even Obama's America, as evidenced by the beating of Midterm Election receipt.

But the merit goes to Berlusconi is acknowledged surely have prevented the communists (or whatever they're called now because the name change at every rustle of foliage) to take power in Italy and the fascists have somatized, embedding Till he could. Of course, these two operations could not be definitive, assuming that in politics there is something definitive.
The Left has left the DC government for decades, while preparing to seize power dealing with universities, the judiciary, ganglia of the State, trade unions, local governments and the media: in short, the real power in Italy. When everything was ready and demolished after the Christian Democrats with the crucial work of the judiciary red, opened its jaws to take a gulp of Italy. It 'was at this point that Berlusconi spoke, so new for them, they took him and treated him like a speck. With the tenacity that once was the strength of the left, continued over the past fourteen years on the same rigamarole, never change: to demonize an opponent.
Berlusconi With this weapon of the left did not work because it backfired up to cause annihilation. The grain of sand is over between Berlusconi's complex and well-oiled gears of the left, eventually derail the path to power in Italy. The rest of the story you know: the left continues to foolishly try to demonize the enemy, continuing to sink into the mud that it generates itself in an obsessive way. We have tried the red magistrates, the most deserving of which are then candidates for the House or the Senate. They tried leaders of the caliber of Occhetto, D'Alema, Prodi, Veltroni, Franceschini and now Bersani, ending just to slide lower and lower.
The last battle against Berlusconi, in chronological order, is the sign of a moralism that part of a fair criticism to some casual habits of the premier, to sink again into the ridiculous for the characters that stand champions of morality and their exaggeration. It seems clear that going to hell (metaphorically not, unfortunately) and make telephone calls concerned the favor of some bitch is something that could be avoided or at least be done with more discretion, which is not in the strings of Prime Minister, who claims the absolute immunity of its privacy.
make him worse than his opponents for these escapades that call for even a government crisis. A ridiculous claim, because the prime minister goes to hell is not edifying, but for this you want to send to hell the whole Country is a non-admissible. Just as the use of judges as the old Boccassini, in the absence of any criminal offense is ridiculous. Finally
that morality to make people like Berlusconi, Fini and its adventurous vicissitudes estate along with the brother in law, not to mention Nichi Vendola, the new flagship of the left, living with a Canadian ('Azzi her ...) that had a Republic to declare that "we must give children the right to have their sexuality, to have relationships among themselves and with adults, or which to launch his arrows and Di Pietro, with its casual use of public funds to his party, all this is doomed to failure. What
bothers me, to return to the title of today is the need to discuss with those who push for these little characters of our politicians for the saviors of the country, using arguments that the destinies of the country have nothing to share. Berlusconi is not the only one who goes to whores, but I believe there are millions who do, without raising many casinos, except for a small minority of idiot. That's not to be confused with the idiot is the invitation that I address to Berlusconi.
But I fear that we do not do anything. He has done so and was held not going to change, and I, even though sometimes I break the counter to give my vote to fail as Fini, Bersani, Vendola, and Di Pietro Casini not think so. The need Berlusconi to vote I have not created them, so now pay for the consequences.

JOHN Agretti