Saturday, February 19, 2011

Viral Condition_symptoms


Ruby told the Milan magistrates had "had sex with footballer Cristiano Ronaldo." But not Wallpaper: the sexual performance of Ruby Rubacuori cost the player € 4 million ( Berlusconi is more generous ...).

Ronaldo, the morning after consuming the report (or reports, do not know), the girl left a note that said: "I hope not to see you here on my return." Ruby, offended by that note, he met Ronaldo in head first down and a glass of champagne and then a whole bottle.

Not only that, not delighted, and he slammed in his face € 500 notes. Ruby says that Cristiano Ronaldo knew of his age, but sex was consummated when she was already an adult. Investigators do not seem are convinced and are investigating.

Expect to see the international arrest warrant for Cristiano Ronaldo signed by Ilda Boccassini.
Come on, stop it.
Bring him to trial for summary.
with Berlusconi.


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