Friday, February 25, 2011

Hair Waxing Arlington Texas

If you love me do not cry (St. Augustine)

Do not cry for my departure.
Listen to this message.

If you knew the immense mystery
of Heaven where I now live,
If you could see and feel what I see and feel
in these endless horizons, and
in the light that penetrates everything and invest,
not cry!

are now absorbed by the enchantment of God
from His boundless beauty.
The things of the past are so petty and small by comparison!
I left the affection for you,
a tenderness that never knew you.
We met and loved over time, but then everything was fleeting and limited!
now live in quiet hope and joyful expectation of your coming among us.

you think of me as well.
In your battles aimed at this wonderful house
where there is no death
nell'anelito together and where we quench the purest and most intense
the unquenchable source of joy and love .

not cry if you really love me!


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