Friday, December 31, 2010

Cubefield Medium Screen

Dead Poets Society

This time I choose my words, words of beauty and a force that upset every time the soul, for what they represent. It 'better than the hope of those who can hear whispers from the heart, coming to understand the deeper meaning that lies in them.

" not read and write poetry because it's cute: we read and write poetry because we are members of the human race and the human race is full of passion. Medicine, law, economics, engineering professions are noble necessary to our livelihood, but poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are the things that keep us alive. "
" Seize the day, pluck the rose when it is time. "Why does the poet use these verses? Because we are food for [...] worms, guys. For, strange to say, everyone in this room one day cease to breathe will become cold and die. Now all get closer, and look at these faces from the past: they have seen a thousand times, but I do not believe them 've ever seen. They are not very different from you, right? same haircut ... full of hormones like you ... and invincible, you feel like you ... The world is their oyster, they think they are destined for great things as many of you. Their eyes are full of hope, just like yours. Have waited until it was too late to make at least a modicum of their potential? For you see, these guys are now fertilizer for flowers. But if you listen carefully you will hear them whisper their warning. Come on, approach! Listen! Feel? "Carpe," "Carpe diem," Seize the day, boys, "

" Make your lives extraordinary!


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