Thursday, January 6, 2011

Hunger Pains More Condition_symptoms


Prelude was the first year. Stephen got up early that morning. Could not remember much about the previous night had perhaps more than usually allowed. He had spent the previous night by himself, but he had toasted at midnight. He did it easy, after the fireworks had ceased to light up the sky. He was sitting in a chair and looked puzzled quell'andirivieni of people and street children. He did not feel involved, but he would like to open a bottle on 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... as in all the normal families. But he was not a normal person.

soon stepped up and drank hot coffee. The sight of the cake and sweets that had invaded the night before the board stucco and so he went out to get dressed in the bathroom. Taken from the bedroom to the shirt, tie, pants, underwear and socks and locked himself inside. She threw herself in the shower and dries quickly. Then he shaved, splashed in the colony, he looked in the mirror and discovered so much older than the day before. It had to be: knew his fate.

opened the door and closed it up slowly. He arrived in the street and saw the most inhuman horror that he could imagine. The street was deserted. The parking lot where usually it was hard to leave your car in August was almost empty. Three machines occupied it in a corner away from buildings, but there arose the suspicion that they were there for years, they were so bruised.

The landscape was similar to that of a bomb just exploded, of a war just ended. Can you imagine if he had never experienced a war. Yet the track was full of cracks, intense white from the ice. And all around there was a burning smell, the smell of fireworks and bombs to celebrate the new year.

What will be celebrated ... who knows. A new year .. and the old? No one thinks of the old? It's easy to put into oblivion the beautiful things that resulted ... people tend to remember only the pain and regrets of his past ...

Stephen turned the corner of the house and if they faced. Did not expect. He should not have to meet him. With all the places in the world where he could be at that moment, he was there.
- What are you doing here ... - Asked the boy.
- Herb please ... only a few days yet, I'm not ready ...
- no matter whether you're ready or not, Stephen. You have to go. You had to leave tonight ... do not know the rules?
- you're still a child ... let me drive ... I know this well mission ...
- Go away, you do not want any more here ... - Picked up the phone, dialed a number and as soon as his interlocutor, Herbert whispered something that Stephen did not like.

Stephen did not see us anymore. He picked up a stick from the ground and struck his head on straight Herbert. The child looked at him with evil eyes and then let go of the ground, helpless, with blood trickling from his head in streams.

Stephen looked around. There was none. Basically now there was no reason to leave. He could stay ...

picked up the lifeless body and threw it in a dumpster. Then he cleaned up well and went along his way. He saw the church in the distance. Some people were entering. He had to hurry up: it was nearly eight and the Mass of the New Year was beginning.


Loredana awoke. January 5 and was a really strange feeling took her belly. It was the fifth day he woke up with exactly the same sensation of having lived that day, could not remember when. It was not the feeling of a moment, what with you and goes away immediately, leaving around the perception that he had, already know what's going to happen or has already dreamed about that moment.

was a continuum of these feelings. Get up, go to work and return home at night was more than the usual habit and then there was that meeting, which took place just be remembered well the night before a year ago. Relive it had shattered. He could swear that it was always him, her boyfriend from the eyes of ice and swollen red lips, the boy with the most beautiful smile he had ever seen. He could not have been a case: the same place, the same day, same hour, the same friends. It could not be an appointment.

It was the most beautiful coincidence of his life. Unfortunately, she was sure she would not found any more, because the feeling of being on the same journey the previous year was more than strong. A day can be equal to one another. But more than one is a magic that can not happen in the real world.


was January 6. Stephen woke up. He was happy. He was happy to pursue their diabolical plan. He knew what he would do that day and the next. He knew how he conducted his life along that line of uninterrupted days.

For the first time he knew his fate and he knew that at that point no one could stop him. Nobody would dare, because Herbert was gone and he had taken his place and now had to go through.

He washed and dressed. He left the house and retraced the same path he had taken five days earlier. It was no longer the same man. Five days before he was a broken man, broken. Now he knew he still had a year before. Maybe if I had noticed that he was cheating, but what could they do? Killing him would be a mistake, he knew it and proud of that conviction was walking through the streets deserted, a little 'less perhaps for the first day of the year.

The landscape around him had not changed much compared to a few days ago. The same cold that ice whitening the streets. Same desolation. Only the bombs had been cleared. He turned the corner and what he saw surprised him. Could not be true ...

- Ten, what a pleasure! - said the old man, wrapped in his elegant black overcoat.
- Beautemps Monsieur, what an honor ... I did not expect to run across his path today ...
- had expected, Ten, is it?
- It 's the sad fate of Herbert, Monsieur? I'm sorry, but I will do my duty to the end sir, I can rest assured ... in the end it was just luck if I had not yet gone away ....
- It 's probably why she did not understand ... you can not ....
- as you can not ....
- Mr Ten, she understands very well that you can not revive the world 2010. This is a new year and must be different ... Already people have begun to complain of too many feelings of déjà vu. We must run for cover before the sensation becomes a certainty, and people think of black magic ...
- But I know the determination of novelty and the past, Monsieur. I'm an adult now ... will be a spectacular combination. People will remember the year 2011 as an exceptional year, believe me. Eleven Herbert could not have done better, I can assure you.
- I'm sorry, I've got a twin Ten Eleven. He will take his place ...
- Please Beautemps Monsieur, I beg you. Let me try ...
- There is no place for the past Ten You must let the future become the present and let him off. People do not like to go back, because it always returns back to the pain and regret. The joy and hope are the future. Since you can never have them, would be a dark year. Made by ...
- No sir. I'm sure there are those who can appreciate ...
- I'm not so sure. Who could appreciate? Perhaps those who have lost someone? Oh, I do not think ... you should invent what folly to justify that the dead come back to life? Never mind ... Come away with me .. resigned, the past does not return. Just

said these words, Mr. Stephen Beautemps grazed his hat and he disappeared into the enchantment of a magic wand. In his place stepped a little boy in swaddling clothes with a beautiful smile. Monsieur Beautemps gave him a hand and he took courage. Took a few steps, turned back for a smile to Monsieur Beautemps and then ran away.


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