Friday, December 24, 2010

Mini Pockets For Sale

Magic Christmas

first spell

The oratory was in a small area outside the center. The rooms were not modern, but it was not possible restructuring because the money collected during the begging of the Masses were all intended to repair the roof of the Church. But it was still beautiful in the eyes of Sister Marina, a little nun of Marcelline, who saw in the bright colors of the walls only the work of many young people who had spent their afternoons with brush in hand. In the end it was their oratory and cracks, as long as they were harmless and not a sign of structural failure, were filled colors to be the end part of a grand design or a large writing.
The motto of this year was YOU SO ', with the colored pavement below, the houses colored top and the word "so" in the center, with many blacks who were Sbaffi precisely match the cracks appeared that summer.

was very cold that December. Had already fallen so much snow and it snowed in particular from that Wednesday morning. She had gone on foot from the underground to the house where he lived with his sister and from there to the oratory and his shoes wet. She had stopped a moment at the bar to take a hot tea. He felt that was brewing an influence, but had to resist. After all those kids waiting for her: the little Luke, Kid Federico, the judicious Chantal. He knew only that she expected to hear his little big stories, the ones that could tell a good, mimicking the gestures, emphasizing the words, reconstructing the feelings of fear, joy, terror, suffering and love, as only she could do.

After a bit reassured 'by the throat and still benefited from the hot liquid, stood up and greeted Mr. Del Monte, who was on duty at the bar and went into the office to pick up the keys of the chapel. He crossed the yard, climbed up the stairs and went inside.

He sat on a small bench in prayer. He had a big pain in the heart that only God could have soothed and caressed by his thought and tap his love. Then the lights and prepared the benches and prepared to receive children.

They arrived on time at five. They entered the chapel a little 'noisy, but not more than usual and she welcomed them by reminding them that they should make the sign of the cross. When all were seated, the butts thrown in the trash, cans of Coke are on the ground and sealed bags of crisps, Sr. Marina looked at them and thought of the passage of the Nativity, which was about to read. But first I looked at them all, and scolded Luke Frederick, whispering and put his index finger hissing silence ...
- Then children. You know that we are close to Christmas .... Who was born on Christmas?
- Jesus .. Jesus was born ..
- Bravo! And Where Jesus was born? Born in clinic more beautiful than Milan or comes from somewhere else?
- Sister Marina I I!
- Chantal Tell me ...
- in the manger! Nobody had wanted them ...
- Bravi ... but then you know this story .. there is no point in the story ..
- No, come on ...
- Okay .. but first tell me one thing ... you know it a similar story today? Someone so poor that it has the chance to be born in a bell'ospedale, with all those beautiful ostretiche dressed in green, warm and cozy bed and someone to wash a newborn?
- No. .. And you, Sister Marina?
- Yes .... I

In his mind, the image of Sandra was still alive. She could not save that little girl from the street. Often met in the subway when he went to Milan and receiving stolen a thousand times. He had always tried to approach her, but still a huge man had saved the front and ask it to go away. Also that afternoon had gone well. They were underground. About three o'clock there's a lot of people and it is not normal that someone is me. Especially if you know it is a gypsy and you need to watch your wallet: to protect it.

Sister Marina was firm corner of a car. He had seen her go up and approach a well-dressed man. On instinct was close. It was Christmas, even the child was entitled to a hot meal, a bed and blankets, gifts. She also needs to believe in Santa Claus or the Child Jesus and he imagined that no one had ever talked about him, not even when she was smaller, although Santa Claus Baby Jesus do not make distinction of race sex or religion, when it comes to bringing gifts and confirm the magic of Christmas.

was a distinguished man. Strange to find it on the subway an hour in which certain types of men in suits are hiding behind the windows windows of offices where money and travel only a few dreams.

It was a moment. At the same time she was leaning against him and he was portrayed almost as annoyed, Sister Marina was certain that he had already stolen his wallet and had tried to chase it. The man had appeared out of nowhere, and receiving as always looked whispering "break away, sister, if you want to get to Christmas." He had turned and was gone away, following the little Sandra.

While the car doors are closed, he saw Sandra emptied his little glass of coins in the man's pants and ran away a tear.

Second Magic

He was basking in the warmth of the car. It was not a usual hour to be around. Usually at that hour he was sitting at his desk with a steaming cup of tea before him, gently led by his secretary, or some plane to travel from one point to another of the globe.

But that was a special day and decided to go personally to buy gifts for his two children, Matilde of seven and four-Pierre. She had always been his wife to take care of those little things, ordinary or extraordinary. That particular year.

The corporate transaction had occupied much of his time and had spent whole months in Paris, in order to maintain the role of manager in the company that had merged in the French multinational. He had to give all his time to his head, even that which had traditionally always given to his sons, evenings, Saturdays and Sundays.

So he was traveling toward the center of Milan. His wife had sent to some shops where she would find some good ideas and left him free to go "No, today the dentist. I can not take you. " "Too bad" he thought he "would be a nice opportunity to spend some 'time together ...". And now: even with her time spent together was not much. Yet Katie was an adult, I understand. He had complained a bit 'at the beginning because he felt the full weight of responsibility and hard work of the many commitments that star back. He had hired a nanny and she seemed to have calmed down. Or at least not to be reproached as always out.

was hung on the support bar of the meter of the car, when he was tossed and opened his eyes annoyed, a little gypsy girl had hit him and ran. "Damn it! Be careful " wanted to scream ... then kept quiet thinking that after that little girl was the age of his daughter and had to beg their bread on the meter.

Henry got out and went up to the surface. He began to turn for all the shops in the list that had given his wife but found nothing. Absolutely everything was too technical for him, who loved the electric trains or rag dolls. Eventually he had seen: a small wooden board, with the puppets for Disney to do with pedestrians, bishops, towers, horses, queens and kings. He knew how much his children loved chess and he always walked a happy little 'time with them to make some game. And if he entered the wrap.

When put his hand to pay the trousers on the back pocket and discovered it was empty. How empty! "I lost ... no, my God! What a fool ... gypsy that I stole it .. and I that I had pity because it has the same age as Matilda! Damn ... "
apologized to the owner and told him of theft. Then he went to a corner of the store to call:
- Hello Katie. They stole his wallet. Please, I have found a spectacular stuff .. join me? They are in the center .. do you take ten minutes to reach me ...
- Look Henry, I can not .. are still waiting. It will take me another hour .. at least .. I now do not know if this work talk about it in January ... please ... We come back tomorrow, right?
- by Katie ... is a teeth cleaning .. force, by .. I offer you a hot chocolate with whipped cream if you come .. we take it in that little bar ...
- Henry, please do not insist ...
- Su .. I do not come back here tomorrow ... on purpose And 'the last piece ... I do not forgive him if someone else bought ...
- Oh okay ... But that boring .. when I take a little 'time to me ... I feel what I can do ... I'll see you within an hour in the gallery, okay?
- hour? But if you are two stops metro ...
- If you're happy with it so ...
- Okay ... by hurry ...
closed the phone and flooded her eyes and smile all over her face: that night he had in hand the best Christmas gift that would never have found for her children ...

Third Magic

- What a bore ... Michael ... I have to go!
- What? Could you told me you'd stay at the aft'noon ...
- My husband .. he lost his wallet. I have to get ...
- Fuck! When'r'you back, then?
- Eh ... good question ... I do not know, I'll call you!
He got out of bed and looked at Michael. It was beautiful. He remembered well the day that he had known. A year ago it was a day full of snow like that Wednesday and he was stuck in a bar during a photo shoot because his hands were frozen. He had been granted two hours of break and instead of going around, he had slipped in the first heated room he found, had occupied a small table and he had made to serve a hot chocolate with cream. He stood, watching the show outside the store and the snow continued to fall unabated, as if he had wanted to stop when a woman had fallen just beyond the window. He had seen a bit 'of people around her and then a boy had brought in and made to accommodate the one free place: the small table next to her.

He had not done much. Only a small blow to the wrist, because he had supported his hands falling to the ground. He had looked into her face when she removed her hat and had been haunted, she was beautiful. His hair was blond and silky smooth and fell on his shoulders. The eyebrows formed a perfect arc, blond brown over green eyes. Long lashes surrounding her eyes and mouth from smiling slightly fleshy red lips and white teeth. She had only love for the smell, and look for the hand that moved so beautiful along the leg, stroking the point where he probably had banged my knee.
- I'm Michael. They are usually a male model, but for now she can be an angel ... takes a little 'hot chocolate? It's a little 'cold out there ...
Katie looked at him incredulously, but then broke out laughing, because she was not ever a "collision" so much fun.

He had begun attending. First for some chocolate then go and see the photography exhibit photos taken on the day they first met, then bring the drugs that one day he was sick. In the morning the boys were at school and home cured Andreas it to him, the girl that Henry had taken to lift it a bit 'from the chores at home.

That morning he had made at Michael's house in the center of Milan. It was late spring but it was very hot. She was wearing a white shirt and jeans that showed her sinuous body, long legs and side B almost Brazilian. A pair of sneakers made her younger than it actually was. Since then, each week, on Wednesday afternoon, met. Prolong the presence of Andreas home with the excuse of the dentist, who worked a couple of buildings before that of Michael and had afternoon undisturbed.

did not know why that story went on. In the end she loved Henry and the security of his family was something on which to rely very much and would not leave for a little boy. Obviously, this had never said to Michael, who instead continued that relationship with the hope that one day you abandon everything and follow him home to Australia.
- It Will not Be Chris'mas'without good to you, you know, Ka '?
- I do ... But that's what we can have ...
- I love you
- I know you do
With these words, Katia closed behind the door and walked out of Michael, wearing a smile and the nerve to deceive Once again her husband. As he climbed on the subway, the eye fell on a little nun, a humble nun with rotten snow shoes, walking sadly along the corridor of the metro, to the Green Line. He did not know why, but thought that the little woman had in him a heart bigger than his own body could accommodate. She smiled at her and that gift was the best thing that Katie received that Christmas.


There are nights where you do not need snow, songs and music of bells to hear the magic in the air. See the reindeer flying in the sky and a roly-poly man dressed in red that flies in the cheerful azure full of stars. I clean out because it is free: "Why you never know ..." you say, needed to believe that somewhere there is still someone who is willing to give you something.

It does not really think of Santa Claus coming down the chimney. In your eyes there was the smile of a little woman whose life has inexplicably taken out of nothing for you life and meaning. And 'because of people like you that there is Christmas. And 'thank you to those who can smile knowing that at that time you need that smile. E 'with who do you tend your hand when your hand is moving away from the socket. And 'thank you embrace that surround you when you need them to be embraced. And 'thank you to those who know how to warm the heart when the ice exceeds that of the surrounding ice fields and Galaverna.

So Merry Christmas. Above them, who are the real magic of Christmas is not Christmas when you do and hope that the same smile, that same hand and that same heat one day they will come to you.


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