Friday, November 26, 2010

Dragonball Bulma Doujin

love a thousand times - Angelica

My name is Angelica. Despite Delmi name, my appearance resembles anything but an angel. My mother diceche looks like Morticia Addams of when I'm tired and my hair Micado face white and oval, the bruised eye. Likewise there are Giornico tells me I look like a porcelain doll, with my ringlets rebels imiei green eyes, white skin and cheeks pink.
I do not know which one is the Truth. I am pretty. I like my eyes and my mouth pink, maavrei favorite olive skin that tans easily than dalatticino that burns every summer.
I twenty-seven years and I have a figliadi seven. I got pregnant the first time I made love with a guy dicinque years older than me, who attended my university, outside corso.Mia daughter's name is Blue. I know, is not a traditional name, but I love ilcielo blue it makes me smile, I lit the day and fills my cuore.Così I have given this name because it is never sad. Hope mammacontro of the law of life.
As every Tuesday and Thursday after school swimming in the harbor.
I do not have a permanent job. Svolgolavori spot for a modeling agency, do some shows' around permantenermi college, I started to attend recently. Azzurranacque When I stopped to follow her like a mother to stick to a daughter. Adessoc breath a bit 'more and so I wanted to take my parents dannouna hand to follow the child. Every day except Tuesday and ilgiovedì, which I found my room to be with her. The port inpiscina and then go to the movies, eating pizza, doing what chevogliamo.
I'm here at the pool with Eleanor, my best friend. We're friends since high school and we frequentatoinsieme two years of college. She went and graduated and oralavora. Sara accompanies here, six years of his granddaughter, who attends the course of lostesso Riviera.
Usually we put in a swimming pool and chat angolodella. The fauna is typically feminine: mothers and nonnesedute on chairs with his nose pressed against the glass watching deibambini that, viewed from there, all look the same, if only to lacuffia and goggles. I used to fend Riviera right away, so go with the and leave out of the locker room, then exit riprenderlaquando dressed and coiffed.
E 'for some time that among the usual visine I saw one. It 's a father of a child who attends the same course diAzzurra, but I think he has one more year of my daughter. Trafelatoalle always comes to take six and a half and is out of the locker room, completamentesudata in her duvet and wearing hats that are always used before usciredagli themselves. Upon arriving, the father looks at her, tells her: "Wait a long time? You could avoid putting the jacket ..." and she says "Daddy, I avevipromesso to be on time." He looks up and smiles. She has a face unangelo. E 'brown, with straight hair and thick. The face is smooth, a po'squadrato. The nose is small, the French. His lips are fleshy erosee. It could almost be a woman's face. Just as the angels: senzasesso.
It happened on a Tuesday that I was from solaperchè Sara fell ill. The prospect of spending two hours alone, more than half an hour of waiting before laclassica oppressed me to the dressing room. Girovagavocon eyes looking for someone to talk to, when I saw the mioangelo, who had arrived early to accompany the incredibly suabambina, which usually did not. By chance I found ourselves sitting at the place and he miosolito two seats away, his face a bit 'wandering lemamme ciacole as that between mother hen.
happened that suddenly came up to me a gentleman circaquarantacinque years, matted hair on his head, dressed in a little 'greasy rozzoe and said
- ; You are Elena? Elena of the gym?
- No. I'm not Helen ...
- Are you sure of not being Elena? I swear, seiuguale ... blacks the same hair ...
- No, I assure you ...
- Excuse me ... you look exactly like Helen, quelladella gym down the country. He knows the gym?

closed the conversation by pretending that the phone vibrating pockets.

My fake phone call can tear yourself away for just a little ', perchèappena rinfilai the phone in his pocket, came from behind me, handing me a booklet Conforzi. I thought you would show me the "its" Elena, for dimostrarmiche actually had every right to be wrong, but in reality only mipresentò a page with advertising for a gym that I knew well, because many of my friends attended.
- This is the gym, you see? You are exactly the same Aelen, unbelievable .. You do not know?
- No, sorry ...

cut him short. He stood there five minutes and then went to opening a coffee bar.

It was removed recently when I heard the angel beside meridacchiare. Then he turned to me and said
- course but she is just equal to Elena ... sa?

laughed. We were accomplices of the madman who went about pearl swimming pool and so I told him:
- I confess only to her, are her twin sister ...
- Well, it's an attempt to approach a woman who has witnessed buffoal ...

And so we began to talk. Or rather he talked, I guardavo.Era really beautiful, more than I could see every time loavevo crossed out from the locker rooms. Despite the transparent eyes, they were deep and will penetrate into the soul. I lost myself in suabocca as he spoke. Peered his lips that moved, lepiccole folds that formed white teeth as she smiled and suddenly cheapparivano to dazzle. Yes, it was fascinating and I stavaraccontando half an hour from his life as a confessor ... ESI was the architect had started to tell me the house he was building for a riccoimprenditore Milan. It was fun, it was beautiful ...

Suddenly he stopped and said
- Even your daughter does two hours of swimming?
- Yes, why?
- Well ... I know a little pub nearby, a postotranquillo ... maybe we can go for a drink ... what do you think?

Yes, the idea I was going ... but I felt a false note that I did not know ... maybe I should not accept? Perhaps it was also his attempt to abbordaggioun a bit 'less awkward than I had engaged before? I decided to nonpensarci. In the end we went only a little bar for a drink, that's all.
- Okay ... But we are not off very ...
- Well, the girls end up in an hour and we will retrieve quia as usual, quiet!
- Sai ... I do not want you to be late once puoiessere timely ...
- How do you know?
- I see you always ... arrive breathless and your daughter tirimprovera the delay ...
- Already ... even if I work near here I can never adorganizzarmi time for ... mm, however, means that you too had noticed ...
- "Even"?

not answered. Made his way toward the exit, I opened the door gently Eandi to the parking lot. He had a motorcycle, which I did not expect, maringraziai the sky that day I was making jeans. He gave me a helmet emi invited to sit behind him.

I felt a little 'clumsy. I did not know where to stop, and as NOTFOUND no hold hands and move a bit 'up and down, at some puntolui outlets one by one and carried them around the waist.

felt salivation increase, accelerating the rhythm of the heart and spread unaenergia over my body. It was a feeling that has long nonprovavo and that made me happy, even if still discordant note rompeval'armonia that time, although not well defined sapendola.

He stopped in front of a small bar. It was not in the center. It was a bar diquelli that you must know to go there, those who can not find casopasseggiando for the country. He had a covered parking, a bit 'hidden allavista there and my companion stopped. I got off my bike and waited luila settled down on the sidewalk, put the helmets in place and shut the varieserrature.
- Come, it's nice here, you'll see.

The bar had a large counter in the center, where stood stiffly quelloche I believe was the owner, a man of about forty-five, with two eyes and a po'brizzolato would call "curious", the kind that you inquadranoper trying to steal who you are at first sight. He was standing at asciugarebicchieri, cups and saucers, that system then carefully scaffalealle on his back, ready for a new order. He had a bit there '. Siguard a bit 'around, indeed, I had the impression that suoiavventori watch with mock distracted air, as if ostentarediscrezione. I do not know why, but her look a bit embarrassed me 'and was meistintivo to hide behind my host, almost as if I was caught infallible.

- Hi!
- Good evening. A table for two? - Dissel'uomo down from the bench for his club in our way. He had a belsorriso, of open and honest, and I embrace you aCasa make you feel, safe.

The place was very special, with lots of booths, colors diversi.L 'angel asked me where I wanted to sit down and instinctively chose the blue booths, a little' out of the door. The man looked at me, then my host. Fececenno us to sit down and asked us what you like. My guest ordered a coffee. Continuavoa I scroll through the list without knowing what to choose and in the end I asked miosolito green tea. The owner was not surprised, as it happens to me in moltialtri premises.

- Do you know that you told me your name? -I asked the angel
- Angelica - said
- Mm ... what a beautiful name ... particularly ... direiche you are well ...
- But no, by ... I look like a witch, wrapped - I said and then continued: - Etu?
- Simon ... I like it here?
- Yes, he's cute ... intimate ... loconoscevo not this place, but is open to much?
- do not know ... I come here every so often. E'discreto, there's strange people ... you know is not a place of passage ... vienise we know it's here ...
- Funny .. the same thing I thought we got ioquando ...
A little moment of awkwardness. I looked around, I did not know comecontinuare. Suddenly it seemed to me that Simon would iosemplicemente court and I was not prepared. Did not go out with a man eight years. The ultimocon who was the father was out of blue and did not see it from that nottenella which we had made love. I had wanted to look and he does not erafatto alive, so I thought that basically did not care if I do not even care to glisarebbe Riviera.

I hated men for years. I was never able to get close Alora. It was still so, even if recently I started going out conqualche university friend, one of those with whom you know to be alsicuro, because they only study in the head.

Third Party

front of me was Simon, an ordinary man, an older man me, married with at least one daughter and did not know how to behave.

I never want a story any. I had always desideratoil prince ... Simone was faced was beautiful, until it was trattatodi dream. I was in front of his face, I was captivated by her beauty and prenderedalla and his sympathy, I was lost in her eyes. Eppurealla end, suddenly, something was starting to dye his dark face dicolori.

The discordant note had become a collection of notes that were ruining the concertoche I was listening. I did not know where it came from the feeling that disturbed me cosìstrana and I was confused in my mind, when Simone took her hand all'improvvisomi:
- Angelica, you know you're really pretty?

took off my hand just as the owner arrived with a tray:
- A green tea for Miss caffèper and you, sir.

What strange, I thought ... I had almost seemed that the man had trod in particolaresulle words "Miss" and "sir" as if to emphasize that eraqualcosa that was not well, almost a warning to think twice before compierequalunque action. After resting our orders on the table if neandò to regain its position on the counter to dry glasses.

- What do you think you see us one evening? -Simon insisted
- Ma. I really do not know ... I think you siasposato, no?
- Yes, it's a problem?

"Damn!" I thought me and one sour note turned into anger, "Of course it's a problem ... I will also have a stupid so far, but said that if Care is hardly one was stupid once and then forever ... I volevoil prince charming and I was wrong ... That does not mean that I still find it nondesideri ... "

Probably my anger came out through my eyes like smoke, perchèSimone began to apologize:
- Come on, you understand ... you know ... iointendevo few nights out with friends, so ... I do it often ... nonintendevo ...

I said nothing. Scostai my cup of green tea, I got up and went Versolato cash.
The owner approached with discretion and let me pay. Ebbil'impressione from the bench that he had witnessed the whole scene and so piantaii my eyes in her and said - can you call a taxi ... now?

The man smiled with understanding and approval. Simone stood alseparé to drink his coffee. He did not move for five minutes that it took peril taxi to reach that bar.

I left the room without looking back and that was the last time chevidi Simone.
After that night to think of it I have not even seen his daughter.

not made myself too many questions about that strange day, but when I had to go back chased with the mind, the conclusion was always that it is true, I quelgiorno I met an angel. In reality he was an angel than cherimangono quiet in a corner, without drawing the sword and conglomerate eyes to guide you the truth, sometimes while making meaningless gestures.

so insignificant as to dry the glasses behind a bar ofa bar, a small bar in the province.


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