Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Coupons For


Improvvisamentesi off the light.
not matter what you're doing, or if you're just in the company.
Cala ilsipario. It turns out the light and with it the smile of your mouth and do not need Undo tuoiocchi
stomping on the ground and say "No" You do not need Undo
Not Tuch
Nonstavolta decide when to go.

Intornosenti vacuum
you ritrovicatapultato
Riprendiframmenti in the memories of you and try to reassemble the puzzle
impazziscifino And to discover that missing piece now
And puoifarci nothing.
Impotence Vacuum
sentisperduto you, shocked. That piece is missing and will continue to miss

The coseimprovvisamente cease to have meaning, even those that you pensaviimportanti
accorgidei small details of your life that you had put aside
runs after them
chesa Before too late Before
chequalcuno you remove other pieces

Stays With
gliocchi ice on the skin diaphanous
With boccaserrata and teeth that push one another
A groppoalla throat that does not want to dissolve into tears
eyes chiusiper retrieve a memory
Where are you now?

After chocil
The doloredell'assenza pain that will not return to fill
smile will not open more
How coraggioè served to continue to smile in spite of everything? You know you
edil remains guarded secret in you

ildolore After silence
The silenziodi every day and resume its course
dagiorno That day will become night and then again
Up to Cheun other arm around And you will break
will dinuovo pain and silence

Life comeintervallo between pain and another two silences
How paroletra
Why possiamonon never forget what is our destiny
Why possiamoprendere and undermine our existence and what is ephemeral
From what Evile

Risollevatida land and still looks Any such forward
OPOCE road, that does not matter
This is cheimporta walk tall
With ilsorriso we offer as the only weapon of defense
Who vuoleoffenderci and humiliate

This mihai taught
E questoriterrò you .


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