Thursday, October 2, 2008

Wooden Fingerboards On Sale

Table Top Theatre Weekend

Residual Hopes: Table-Top Theatre Weekend
Theatre performances on the table, curated by the tightrope walker, cultural producers, Trento Saturday, September 27 and Sunday, September 28
falling to pieces / falling apart , improvised cut-up on 1984, Saturday 27: Two shows, 21 hours / 22 hours. "I prefer not," he said. a reading of Bartleby the Scrivener, H. Melville, Sunday 28, at 21. (Bookable BOLZANO - Begin the series of weekend of theater, music and poetry weblog Tabula Rasa. Residual Hopes: Table-Top Theatre Weekend offers two evening performances in Italian by the group of cultural producers Trentino The Tightrope Walker. Two piece to "attention to the text. Tabula Rasa Saturday evening will be the stage for falling to pieces / falling apart. In the summer of '59 William Burroughs and Brion Gysin start to apply to their writing cut-up method in the wake of artistic experimentation as the readymade Duchamp and the Dadaist collage, the music of John Cage and the automatic writing of Tristan Tzara; is to decompose a text into fragments and recombine the random order, or mix fragments of several texts to make one work. Falling To Pieces / falling apart is an improvisation experimenting with the cut-up method on a literary text - a comparison between O'Brien and Winston Smith in George Orwell's 1984 - and on the jazz standard A Night in Tunisia by Dizzy Gillespie. The text and the score will be cut from live and randomly reassembled in a dialogue / conflict between different voices and languages \u200b\u200bthat create a completely original composition. With the participation of Caltran Andrea (vocals), Stefano Carloni (sax), Tiziana Poli (Room 1), Guido Laino (room 2) and Marco Furgeri (lights). Sunday night "I would prefer not," he said. but hopes are condensed in residual waste irreducible Bartleby. "Bartleby derives from the rubble of a sudden expression, I WOULD PREFER NOT TO, which prolifererà on himself, the contaminate others, put the lawyer on the run, but will also run in the language, will increase an area of \u200b\u200buncertainty or indiscernibility that the words no longer be distinguished, much less the characters, with the lawyer and Bartleby's on the run still, petrified. The lawyer begins to wander while Bartleby is quiet, but it is still quiet and not moving, that Bartleby will be treated like a vagabond. "(Gilles Deleuze, Bartleby, or the formula). Starring Mara Pieri (reader / narrator), Tiziana Poli (video projector and 1), Guido Laino (Projector 2), Marco Furgeri (lights). Tabula Rasa è un progetto a cura di Denis Isaia in conversazione con i Raqs Media Collective.
Gli eventi di Tabula Rasa sono ad ingresso gratuito.


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