Thursday, October 9, 2008

Fredericton Auction Cars

Free Ads Free distribution of historical ads from Tandem Radio FM98.4, Bolzano / Bozen Monday, October 6 to Friday, October 10 BOLZANO - Tabula Rasa space Manifesta 7 that any week event offers a new gift from Monday 6 to Friday, October 10 Tandem Radio FM98.4. Of note radio Bolzano, former breeding ground for many of the journalists and culture of the province, will be sent in a continuous cycle of selection spot che la stessa Radio ha nel corso degli anni dedicato alla promozione di se stessa e delle proprie manifestazioni.
Il pubblico potrà godere dell'ironia degli spot pubblicitari, legarli alle edizioni passate Volxfesta o delle molte manifestazioni organizzate dalla radio indipendente di Bolzano per il supporto della radio stessa o per puro spirito di divertimento.

In linea con la filosofia della libera circolazione di informazioni e media portata avanti daThe Rest of Now, la mostra dell’ex-Alumix,Tabula Rasa, oltre a riportare all'ascolto per una settimana gli spot, invita il pubblico a crearsi la propria compilation. Il visitatore potrà selezionare gli spot preferiti e masterizzare un cd negli stessi spazi di Tabula Rasa.

Tabula Rasa è un project by Denis Isaia in conversation with Raqs Media Collective. Tabula Rasa events are free admission. Radio Tandem was founded in 1977 to Oltrisarco, a suburb of Bolzano, such as radio neighborhood. Within a few years opens frequency even in Merano and Bressanone. 82 took its present name and form an axis with the weekly information of the same name, founded by Alexander Langer. At that time, the radio reflects the vibrancy and creativity of the most innovative, advanced and inter-ethnic society in South Tyrol. In 1985, the issuer is in crisis. Programming is reduced to the mere repetition of the musical signal with coils. But the founders did not give and guarantee at least the employment rate Bolzano (while you lose Merano and Bressanone). Between 1987 and 1988 a group of young people, strangers around the old radio, decided to take over the broadcaster. And 'the beginning of a new, long and difficult phase of restructuring that has come so far. Management of small steps and incremental upgrades that finally secured the much desired link with the People Radio Network. The editors of Radio Tandem, was a "gym" training for dozens of people now working in the world of local news (newspapers, television, commercial radio stations, press offices) and hundreds of young people who wanted to express themselves through music, putting on records and learning the craft of DJ. To Tabula Rasa Tandem Radio presents a selection of well-known spot that has promoted the radio, the support of herself and the events that the radio to organize. Some of these commercials are well known to many for the irony and sarcasm with which they were designed from time to time by those who have taken care in the years of Radio. Tabula Rasa's audience is left to listen to the spot and if you want to create their own compilation of Radio spots tandem with the computer made available. To create your own compilation open Final Burner and select each spot to create your own compilation. For your convenience we have divided some compilations that are in folders on the desktop. Each compilation contains una selezione random di spot della Radio.

Radio Tandem started its activities in 1977 in Oltrisarco, a Bolzano/Bozen’s district, as a local radio station. Within a few years, it opened a frequency also in Merano and Bressanone. In 1982, Radio Tandem adopted its current name and formed an informative axis with the homonymous weekly magazine, founded by Alexander Langer. In that era, the radio reflected the vivacity and creativity of the most innovative, advanced and inter-ethnic fringes of the South-Tyrolian society. In 1985, the radio station entered a period of crisis. Although the daily broadcast was reduced to the mere repetition of the signal from musical spools, the founding members managed to guarantee at least the survival of the Bolzano/Bozen frequency, losing Merano and Bressanone. Between 1987 and 1988, a group of young people, not belonging to the old radio management, decided to run the station. This represented the start of a new, long and difficult phase of restoration carried on until recent times, and that, through small but continuous improvements, eventually guaranteed the so desired connection to Radio Popolare Network.
Radio Tandem’s editorial always represented a gymnasium for dozen of professionals that currently work in the local press (newspapers, tvs, commercial radioes, press offices) and also an opportunity for hundreds of youngsters seeking means of expression through music, to play records and learn DJ skills.

For Tabula Rasa, Radio Tandem presents a selection from the famous spots that since the Eighties have been promoting radio listening, the station itself and all the manifestations organised by it. Some of these adverts are well known to the masses for their irony and sarcasm, reflecting, in the years, the philosophy of the radio’s different directive teams. Tabula Rasa’s visitors are invited to listen to the radio adverts, and if they want, they are given the opportunity to create their personal Radio Tandem adverts compilation, using the computer in the room.

To create your compilation, please open Final Burner and select singularly those spots
you would like to include in your personal compilation.
For your comfort, we have divided some compilations in folders, which you can find on the
desktop. Each compilation contains a randomly chosen selection of radio spots. Radio formed in 1977 in tandem Oberrau, as a radio station this Bozen district. Within a few years, the transmission frequencies to Merano and Bressanone be extended. In '82, the present name adopted and the same weekly newspaper, founded by Alexander Langer, developed the radio station to an important information channel. At that time the station was in all its vividness and creativity as the most advanced part of the South Tyrolean Gesellschaft.1985 is different because of the difficulties, however, determined to reduce the program. But the Gründunsmitglieder did not give up and provided for the maintenance of Bolzano Frequency (Merano and Bressanone unfortunately could not be preserved). Between 1987 and 1988, the station has been seized by a group of young prospects who knew the radio it yet, but wanted to take this anyway. This begins a new beginning and a long and arduous rebuilding that stops today. The management of the radio station is in small steps and continuous improvement, which ultimately allowed the much sought related to "Radio Popolare Network". The editorial staff of Radio Tandem was not just an exercise station for many Mitabeiter during training - most of them are now working in the field of local information (newspapers, TV, radio stations, press offices) - But also for hundreds of young people to express themselves through music, music, hang up and want to learn the work of the DJ. For this project, Tabula Rasa Radio Tandem has created a selection of the most famous spots that apply for years the station and its events. These commercials have been developed over time by all those who were concerned about the continuation of the channel, and thanks to a special irony and sarcasm are these commercials now very bekannt.Das audience of Tabula Rasa is invited to listen to all these spots and To create your own collection. A computer is available for this purpose. Open the program and choose from FinalBurner the spots to deine eigene CD zu brennen! Schreibtisch befinden sich bereits auf dem Ordner mit verschiedener Einigen Zusammenstellungen Werbespots von Radio Tandem.


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