Sunday, March 8, 2009

Pocket Bikes Store In Phx

The criticism of "ideologues" of the Hegelian Left (5)

knowledge of the general lines of historical materialism can adequately understand the criticism of the Left Hegelian Marxist representatives (which is largely devoted to German Ideology). The period in which Marx and Engels refer ¬ no to these philosophers, as is clear from the title, is to "ideologues," with which the authors intend to specify those thinkers who live in "false consciousness, because it is not realize that ideas, as they reflect the material relations of men, have no independent existence. Losing touch with reality and retreating into their castles speculative ideologues end up: 4
overestimate the role of ideas and intellectuals, seeing the former as the driving forces behind the events and the latter as "manufacturers of history";
4 present their ideas as supratemporal and as universally valid;
4 believe that the whole world lies in the negative misconceptions that individuals make about themselves and if that human emancipation would be to replace misconceptions true ideas, through a battle purely philosophical
4 provide, as a result of all this, a framework inevitably deforming or mystifying the real.
On the basis of their materialist conception of history, Marx opposes these "aberrations" of ideology, point by point, the following theses:
4 the real driving forces of history are not the ideas, but the economic and social structures;
4 ideas never have a universal value and supratemporal, as it reflects ¬ no more certain interests and historical relationships between people, the true
4 alienation does not lie in the ideas, but in concrete social situations in which people find themselves living , so the disalienation, or liberation of man is not a philosophical problem solved in terms of critical theoretical superstructure, but a pro ¬ practical problem-social, solvable in terms of structural revolution
4 the Young Hegelians, with their "sentences" instead of "shake the world", they merely issue of 'bleating philosophical ", not realizing that they are not fighting" the world really exists " but "only the phrases of this world 'means the actual knowledge can only be a member to know the real, and then programmed knowledge ¬ cally non-ideological, indeed anti-ideological


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