Friday, September 5, 2008

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Naključni osebni pogovori - Random Private Conversations Sept 5-7. PROGRAM OF EVENTS

Naključni osebni pogovori - Random Private Conversations
Milena Kosec, Career Contemporary artist, Ljubljana.
The artist talks with randomly Chosen visitors on a free subject, However, the discussion Usually focuses on the person's life Activities. Friday, September 5 to Sunday, September 7.
Between Friday 5 and Sunday, September 7, Milena Kosec, Career Contemporary artist of Ljubljana, Slovenia, with the help of an interpreter, `freewheeling dialogues with the visitors of the exhibition . The artist, randomly choosing its partners, develops the discussion without have in mind a default subject, tending instead to focus on the activities of the individual, often investing the personal sphere. Through this direct contact with the public ex-Alumix, in a personal dialogue full of spontaneity and sincerity in which plays the role of listener, Milena Kosec explores the dimension of interpersonal relationships and causality. Other distinguishing features of his performances are immaterial, the uniqueness of a moment, el'irrepetibilità: no notes or documentation, the only traces left by these conversations are in fact only imprinted in the sphere of personal memories.
For more information:
Elisa Tosoni, Assistant Curator, Tabula Rasa
+39.0471.414.987 TEL FAX 989 +39.0471.414 TABULARASA@MANIFESTA7.IT http: / /


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