Monday, September 29, 2008

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Rosarot und Himmelblau

Rosarot und Himmelblau The collection of objects from the collections of Bolzano, edited by Lisa drying chamber, Bolzano from Sunday 14 to Friday, September 19
pages of literature, psychology and philosophy have been written about one of the arts since ancient times have kidnapped the man. Collecting is an irrepressible impluse, a way to explore the world in its most varied and curious and take it into memory. To pay homage to this practice in its entirety, Tabula Rasa has organized two exhibitions of collections from the province of Bolzano. Rosarot und Himmelblau, this is the name of the project by Lisa drying chamber. The first exhibition will open on Saturday 14 and will be open to the public until Friday 19. The coffee table will be laden with 250 owned by Ms Ines Zöschg of Merano. I started collecting coffee in the 90s for the event, says Ms Zöschg, at home I only had an old car that did not work, so I bought another used, even that did not work. It is the beginning of the collection that now numbers 250 pieces from all over the world. I bring them friends, some of them are collectors, for example a friend of Ferraro has over 2000 spoons when I find one that is missing and she carried it does the same with me ... When asked what he thinks the family, the lady replied with smile: no one was interested at the beginning and took me to a junk picker, now you are all fans are proud and indeed, above all of this, and shows us a fantastic pot of New Orleans.

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The Floating Territories and Building Transmissions

Floating Territories: Book Presentation Presentation of a book edited by Nico Dockx, Germana Jaulin and Clare Palmer based on a "log book" which contains conversations between Nico Dockx, Yona Friedman, Helena Sidiropoulos and Jochem Vanden Ecker, the Floating Territories project. Saturday, September 13, at 18 Building Transmissions: Sound Performance A sound performance by Kris Delacourt, Nico Dockx and Krist Torfs, and the launch of a vinyl 12 "connected to the TEUFELSgroup for The Rest of Now. Saturday, September 13, at 21
The musical experimentation continues with Building Transmissions: Sound Performance by 21 hours, of, Nico Dockx, Kris Delacourt and Krist Torfs, who will occupy Tabula Rasa with a sound performance. Building Transmissions is a collective founded in emerging 2001da with Kris Delacourt Nico Dockx and Peter Verwimp, which produces audio-visual documents experimental sonic architectures, performance of live improvisation and multi-media installations. In their artistic practice, reflect on the possibilities of artistic production and circulation of ideas in relation with text, image and sound. Building Transmissions used in a wide range of acoustic instruments, associated with outdoor and electronic records. The physical body and its movements take shape through the interaction of stationary and moving data, creating intersections between time, space and movement, a world in which the public and private sectors come together, and their own personal experiences become emblematic of the spirit of time. Just before the concert Building Transmission, Tabula Rasa will host another event involving Nico Dockx: Floating Territories: Book Presentation, at 18. A presentation in the form of informal dialogue, a book edited by the same Nico Dockx, in collaboration with Germana Jaulin and Chiara Parisi, based on a "log book" which contains conversations between Nico Dockx, Yona Friedman, Helena Sidiropoulos and Jochem Vanden Ecker, the project Floating Territories. Yona Friedman, one of the most famous architects in the world, went through World War II escaped the Nazi roundups and lived for nearly a decade in Israel in Haifa, before settling in Paris in 1957. He supports the principles of an architecture capable of understanding the continuous changes that characterize the social mobility, based on "infrastructure" that provide housing and zoning regulations likely to be created and recreated, according to the need of the inhabitants and residents.

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Building Instruments: The Bolzano / Bozen Sessions

Building Instruments: The Bolzano / Bozen Sessions With Espen Sommer Eide, Bergen Espen Sommer Eide, artist, musician and philosopher who lives in Bergen, has developed a method for the collective construction of improvised instruments for electronic music, using gramophone, turntables, amplifiers, parts, sub-woofers, etc.. The process of making the instruments continues with the creation of music itself. During The Bolzano / Bozen Sessions, Sommer Eide build tools to make music over and around the long table with friends, lovers of acoustic music and electronic music lovers from the region. Friday, September 12
BOLZANO - The new weekend Tabula Rasa offers three international experiences, new horizons of sound investing, and literature, in the setting of The Rest of Now. We start the afternoon with venerdi'12 Building Instruments: The Bolzano / Bozen Sessions, a workshop with Espen Sommer Eide. The artist, philosopher and musician in Norway has developed a method for the collective construction of improvised instruments for electronic music, and around the long table of Tabula Rasa will alter ' old 33 rpm from the archives of Radio Tandem and from the participants. The public 'is invited to contribute actively to the various stages of construction of these highly original records altered, which will then be donated to the participants, a compound playable in their old turntable. The event culminera'in a mini Espen evening concert where he will perform with these new tools and unique, creating experimental music.
Electronic music by Espen Sommer Eide invades former Alumix. Tabula Rasa, the special project of Manifesta 7 from the packed program of events, leading to Bolzano a breath of fresh air '. Venerdi'12 September 16 starting at the long table has become the symbol of Tabula Rasa home genialita'del the Norwegian Espen Sommer Eide, a talented sound artist and philosopher, better known by his pseudonym Phonophani, and as a member of the band Alog. Eide has received prestigious awards in Scandinavia, and draws on tour around Europe and the United States. He recorded three solo albums, a self-titled album (1998), Genetic Engineering (2001) and Oak or Rock (2004), while there are four work with his band Alog: Red Shift Swing (1999), Duck-Rabbit (2001 ) Miniatures (2005) and Amateur (2007). They say to him: "One of the most graceful examples of electronic and exciting around, confirming the importance of the musicians more 'followed in the Scandinavian electronics landscape" (Milkfactory - UK) and "A tangle of lines and a mix of music styles: techno, minimal, electronic, post-rock. Original, derivative, spontaneous and artificial "(Julian Cowley, The Wire Magazine, UK). The artist expresses itself through sound installations in response to specificita'del place where you keep your performance. Its sounds', described by The Wire as "the product of a group of persons suffering from amnesia and just awakened from a nap in a room full of old tools, and slowly try to regain confidence with these instruments and their possible music features "is the conceptual basis of the experience proposed for Tabula Rasa.
Building Instruments: The Bolzano / Bozen Sessions, Espen Sommer Eide condurra'infatti a workshop for the collective construction of improvised instruments for electronic music, altering old 33 rpm brought by visitors or for those who had not, there are features of Manifesta 7. The public 'is invited to contribute actively to the various stages of construction of these highly original records altered, then donated to the participants, a relic playable with your turntable. The event culminera'in a mini Espen evening concert where he will perform with these new tools and unique, creating experimental music. Definitely a rare event, a must for all lovers of experimental music, for those from e'attratto bizarre inventions and new sounds' far from the usual venerdi'sera of Bolzano. Building Instruments: The Bolzano / Bozen Sessions hour-15-21 - drink at 18.30 followed by the mini-concert. Tabula Rasa-Free events at the 'Ex-Alumix Via Volta 11, Industrial Area, Bolzano.

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How to stabilize a wobbly table, or theorem Bolzano.

How to stabilize a wobbly table, or the theorem of Bolzano. A mathematics performance to illustrate the theorem of Bolzano and its peculiar applications, Andrea Caranti, Trento. Thursday, September 11, at 18
BOLZANO - continues the events of Tabula Rasa, a special project of Manifesta 7, The Rest of Now, in collaboration with local and international artists. Thursday, September 11 at 18, the long table designed by Nikolaus Hirsch and Michel Müller hosting How to stabilize a wobbly table, or the theorem of Bolzano. This theorem, however, should not the name of the town, but to a famous mathematician of the nineteenth century ... Prague Mathematical analysis and contemporary art are a combination of at least unusual, but he could not miss the large container of Tabula Rasa, is proud to host a unique performance of mathematical analysis by Andrea Caranti, Professor Algebra at the Department of Mathematics of the 'University of Trento.
Caranti part with an original proof of the theorem of Bolzano, this time using the canonical blackboard university, but by writing the equations along the 11.50-meter board, and continues by illustrating the most curious applications of this theorem, a surefire way to solve a problem that affects most: the wobbly table. A practical demonstration of the application will help to better explain the dynamics.

Monday, September 15, 2008

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Interpretation Laboratory II

Interpretation Laboratory II Review of Oral Manifesta 7 by 10 editors, moderated by Elvira Vannini, Bologna After a private conversation, 14 young Italian curators will present to the public a review of Manifesta 7. Wednesday, September 10th, open to the public from 15 hours

Reflecting more specifically "industry" is proposed instead in Intepretation Laboratory II, scheduled for September 10. Tabula Rasa in this case will offer your space to a group of young Italian curators. The editors will meet in closed session to discuss all four exhibitions of Manifesta 7. The debate will revolve around to some of the most interesting topics for future developments of the discipline and curatorial practice, exhibition: What is the role of major exhibitions on a regular basis in the contemporary art world, they are still a vehicle for innovation, or rather they are now placed in the mechanisms of market? What are the future of Manifesta reasons, one of the most experimental Biennials last two decades, in a globalized world? And yet, such as the hazards of Manifesta 7 worthy of attention? What are the critical elements of stress? What's not to like? Gained overall review, Tabula Rasa will be open from 15 hours for a public review in which the opinions and ideas will be synthesized and will be compared. Tabula Rasa is a project by Denis Isaia in the Ex-Alumix of Bolzano, the discussion of the Laboratory of Interpretation will be moderated by Elvira Vannini, critic and independent curator of Bologna. Speakers with Denis Isaia and Elvira Vannini young curators Chiara Agnello, Katia Anguelova, Marco Baravalle, Eva Fabbris, Antonio Grulli, Caterina Iaquinta, Matteo Lucchetti, Natalicchio Cristina, Francesca Pagliuca, Paolo Plotegher, Angela Serino and Elisa Tosoni.

press-to-Alto Adige Page 47 - Culture and Society 'CURATORS PERPLESSI Tabula Rasa, all of Fort pero'piace Roberto Rinaldi Manifesta7? "Too shy and understated! - Defines it this way '- Cristina Natalicchio, curator of the Galleria Civica di Trento, "but we do not want to talk about failure. Manifest Through a cooling-off period as it is a biennial militant, experimental and non-normalizing. " Antonio Grulli, independent curator, "After seven editions of Manifesta e'diventata tired. The goal was to make a nomad in the so-called unknown territories, lands that host border partnerships. " These are some of the reflections arising from the encounter between young curators who have gathered to discuss the impact of Manifesta 7 in the region, putting the question: "He rejected our expectations or the subject-centered?". The invitation e'partito from "Tabula Rasa", the special projects Denis Isaia, assistant to the curatorial project of Bolzano, one of the four locations of the European Biennial of Contemporary Art, housed in the former Alumix. A critical review of the show that he is not receiving public success hoped for. The other afternoon in the exhibition, visitors could be counted on the fingers of one hand, while the "school of interpretation," moderated by Elvira Tannins, an independent curator of Bologna, addressed a discussion based on different questions, all aimed at understanding what e'piaciuto and what is not understood in the Manifesta 7 draws. Questions such as: "The nomadic nature and his existence allow itinerant Manifesta to renew and reinvent themselves every year? "." He needs a review? "-or-" The 2008 has fulfilled the task of creating a work platform and a laboratory to translate the complex geographies of the changing ? Must / can 'have geopolitical ambitions? What to expect and what they think the visitors? What led to the flop of the public? "Questions divided into separate groups and discussed (in a first phase) in camera. Analyze the resulting criticita'e agreed, e'potuto will attend a debate, even if somewhat self-referential. It has been the sensation of listening to the comments geared to examine all components structural and conceptual Manifesta, The possibility of reserving the right to criticize cio'che also draws a vision of people. "It is a fortress where the desired experimental collaboration is e'potuta verify. The building container It is very strong. The decision to host Manifesta in Trentino Alto Adige e'avvalsa disponibilita'di of venues, rich in history, the contribution of geo-political Rovereto, Trento and Bolzano, the trans-cultural ', but also two different organizational offices (the two provinces, ed) separate parties with different times. These are all aspects imploded. After a withdrawal cipro c'e'stato to art exhibitions. " It has been canceled at the last edition Three months after opening for political reasons. A realta'lontana from ours, but the thread that binds the edition until November 2, e'rappresentato discussed the theme, that of the binding of the territory. Baravalle Marco, Venice of the Magazzini del Sale had no doubts: "I'm skeptical, thinking that the biennial could talk, catalyze the territory that is home." Antonio Grulli expressed his opinion about the shows visit: "Rovereto curatorial approach unattractive. Bolzano I do not like, I find it also less attractive than other places, among them the works on display do not work in here (ex Alumix, ed), although individually they have their value. Do not throw away all but '. " Caterina Iaquinta dell'Universita'la Sapienza of Rome has also denounced "the lack of full cooperation between the four groups of curators." Chiara Agnello e'chiesta although "the big biennials can still do research in an innovative manner and which are the sites of major exhibitions, citing Fortress - piu'aperto comparison site. The seat of the Palazzo delle Poste in Trento is judged to be "impeccable - from Elvira Tannins-a space within Musala, but It is a cliche '? A method that most dare not '? Also draws a critical signal to wonder why Manifesta did not reach the other regions. Manifesta but must have a local role or global? Grulli has no doubts: "The room must be taken seriously, but we need to look beyond" Elisa Tosoni assistant curator of Tabula Rasa, finally, e'chiesta what are the relations between Trento and Bolzano. "Before analyzing Manifesta, the reports should be analyzed, and this was the task of Manifesta: the relationship with the institutions, the public and the growth of consensus. All very high ambitions. " Ambitions discussed at length.

Friday, September 5, 2008

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Naključni osebni pogovori - Random Private Conversations Sept 5-7. PROGRAM OF EVENTS

Naključni osebni pogovori - Random Private Conversations
Milena Kosec, Career Contemporary artist, Ljubljana.
The artist talks with randomly Chosen visitors on a free subject, However, the discussion Usually focuses on the person's life Activities. Friday, September 5 to Sunday, September 7.
Between Friday 5 and Sunday, September 7, Milena Kosec, Career Contemporary artist of Ljubljana, Slovenia, with the help of an interpreter, `freewheeling dialogues with the visitors of the exhibition . The artist, randomly choosing its partners, develops the discussion without have in mind a default subject, tending instead to focus on the activities of the individual, often investing the personal sphere. Through this direct contact with the public ex-Alumix, in a personal dialogue full of spontaneity and sincerity in which plays the role of listener, Milena Kosec explores the dimension of interpersonal relationships and causality. Other distinguishing features of his performances are immaterial, the uniqueness of a moment, el'irrepetibilità: no notes or documentation, the only traces left by these conversations are in fact only imprinted in the sphere of personal memories.
For more information:
Elisa Tosoni, Assistant Curator, Tabula Rasa
+39.0471.414.987 TEL FAX 989 +39.0471.414 TABULARASA@MANIFESTA7.IT http: / /