Thursday, February 18, 2010

South Park Streaming Uk

Capturing the interest is a lot of violence at high levels. Far cruel things happen to people who do not deserve it, citing authors to justify shit.
Rape of a person described in detail, reference Jodorowsky. Unjustified murder and violent intensity in creche at the height stop everything and throw in a sentence effect of the type "who knows what holds the stars ..." then destruction of the corpse (to quote a few greek? perhaps the Bible). Alternate quotes
overt or hidden, making clear those are not too obvious and the not-too-hidden hidden.
Tits like rain blood and the right to make smoky platitudes to give it thickness.
poems, poems to put BEGINNING chapters. Poems by authors unknown minors, "if you know this well know everyone else." Place in history
strange drugs, leave the question to be toxic ex, they had gone to whores, or they were whores. Describe underworld circles as if you had grown up, copy mercilessly. Woven
characterized by improbability hallucinatory revelations of relationships, masks and flying figures that change from page to page. Freud quote, quote Toto, intellectuals cite historically uncomfortable (citing celine, Nozick quote, quote hitler)
Always give the impression of knowing where you want to end up. Give the reader the impression of being actually went to ward off somewhere, but not only in that part of them, more reading levels, infinite levels of interpretation: a masterpiece.
Set somewhere in the mouth of someone a phrase like "do you think to write a story is enough to mention a fucking great authors in a story without meaning?"
It is made untouchable.

The back cover photo?
intellectual attitude, effect: "Seriously as a guy that has really written a story about a pedophile serial killer who has seen Madonna? There must be something in ..." Or
escher, escher always works.


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